The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 197,607,338 Issue: 992 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y25
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword fenshae

Week - 335

The Journalist's Guide to Getting in the Times
by fenshae
Description: If you've always wanted to get into the Times but just aren't sure how to go about it, this article is for you!

Week - 603

The Lazy Neopian's Guide to Becoming a Millionaire
by fenshae
Description: Most people continue playing the game the hard way without realizing there's a better method.

Week - 604

Curiosity Killed the Xweetok
by fenshae
Description: For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to know about everything.

Week - 992

The New Old World
by fenshae
Description: "It happened to be raining that day. That was what caught Ilathu’s attention. It wasn’t an especially noteworthy rainstorm..."

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Polly Poogle's Amazing Race
"'Wow...! Look at them run!' exclaimed Polly, watching the annual Poogle Race from the sanctity of her home..."

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A Day In the Life of a Modern Day JubJub
Jubjubs are just like us...

by puffy333_revived


Fyora’s Faerie Festival
"My hands shook slightly as I tried to untangle my hair. I took my brush and tried to brush it out, but it remained..."

by black_skull725


The First Crashing of the First Festival
"She took in the Ixi's festival attire, a composition of mesh, glitter, and denim that had gone past the point of distress and into agony..."

by liouchan


No, it couldn't be real...

by upthewalls

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