Week - 560
Blossom by twillieblossom |
Description: Some people are just insensitive... |
Week - 584
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: Like he has room to talk. |
Week - 598
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: Usually that starts in mid June. |
Week - 601
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: I can't imagine what's keeping her...
Week - 603
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: There's something different here.... |
Week - 607
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: Important matters first. |
Week - 608
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: Be careful with your words. |
Week - 611
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: I wish this was an exaggeration. I really do.
Week - 612
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: Really, just why? |
Week - 618
Blossoms~ Halloween by twillieblossom |
Description: Merry Chris- er, Halloween! |
Week - 619
Blossoms and Babies by twillieblossom |
Description: "Zathy?" The little red Pteri scooted closer to her sister. "Zathy, can you hear me?" |
Week - 620
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: Fashion. It's talked about. :T
Week - 624
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: The action! The emotion! The coffee mug! |
Week - 625
Blossoms~Christmas by twillieblossom |
Description: Remember each loved one during the holidays. |
Week - 691
Blossoms~ Retry Part 1 by twillieblossom |
Description: Don't feel bad; this happens more often than you'd think. Which may actually be reason to feel worse. |
Week - 692
Blossoms~ Retry Part 2 by twillieblossom |
Description: She also enjoys fashion, painting, and pouting about her life. |
Week - 693
Blossoms~ Retry Part 3 by twillieblossom |
Description: I apologize in advance for panel two. |
Week - 694
Blossoms~ Retry Part 4 by twillieblossom |
Description: Priorities. |
Week - 695
Blossoms~ Retry Part 5 by twillieblossom |
Description: Marketable magic comes from the object. Natural magic comes from the person. Some have it, some don't. |
Week - 696
Blossoms~ Retry Part 6 by twillieblossom |
Description: She gives conversation classes after hours. |
Week - 697
Blossoms~ Retry Part 7 by twillieblossom |
Description: I suspect it's those mood swings of his. ... He still has those, right? |
Week - 698
Blossoms~ Retry Part 8 by twillieblossom |
Description: We shared groceries, so the next step is to share friendship. |
Week - 699
Blossoms~ Retry Part 9 by twillieblossom |
Description: "Water" is entirely arbitrary; no one knows his actual last name. |
Week - 700
Blossoms~ Retry Part 10 by twillieblossom |
Description: I swear I've seen something like this before... *glances to Issue 603* |
Week - 701
Blossoms~ Retry Part 11 by twillieblossom |
Description: Is that deja vu still happening? |
Week - 702
Blossoms~ Retry Part 12 by twillieblossom |
Description: Ever since childhood, they've never understood... the love for sports and explosions *single tear* |
Week - 703
Blossoms~ Retry Part 13 by twillieblossom |
Description: Twillie would have never gone after Jonathon without Zathandria's encouragement. |
Week - 704
Blossoms~ Retry End by twillieblossom |
Description: In the dead of the night... |
Week - 715
Elsewhere by twillieblossom |
Description: On top of Terror Mountain... |
Week - 727
Favorite Pastime by twillieblossom |
Description: I'm not sure that's how it works
Also by likelife96 |
Week - 742
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 1 by twillieblossom |
Description: Good morning. |
Week - 743
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 2 by twillieblossom |
Description: Nothing's wrong, and nothing's in my closet. So stay out. |
Week - 744
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 3 by twillieblossom |
Description: I love my pets based on how much money they save me. |
Week - 745
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 4 by twillieblossom |
Description: Well then, I feel better already! |
Week - 746
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 5 by twillieblossom |
Description: You can't see me, I'm disguiiiised~ |
Week - 747
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 6 by twillieblossom |
Description: You'll wish you were my friend!
Week - 748
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 7 by twillieblossom |
Description: Old habits die hard.
Week - 749
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 8 by twillieblossom |
Description: Do you think it's going well? |
Week - 750
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 9 by twillieblossom |
Description: He's just too easy a target. |
Week - 751
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 10 by twillieblossom |
Description: I got caught up playing Whack-a-Faerie.
Week - 752
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 11 by twillieblossom |
Description: She's got Twillie's back. Or rather, the back of her head. |
Week - 753
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 12 by twillieblossom |
Description: If his family back in Faerieland could see him now...
Week - 754
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 13 by twillieblossom |
Description: Hyper realistic slushies will solve anything. |
Week - 755
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 14 by twillieblossom |
Description: The bigger you are, the harder you fall. |
Week - 756
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 15 by twillieblossom |
Description: Tissues are a staple in that house. |
Week - 757
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 16 by twillieblossom |
Description: *takes a huge drink* What was that, by the way?
Week - 758
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 17 by twillieblossom |
Description: Good morning, again. |
Week - 759
Blossoms~ Snowball Effect End by twillieblossom |
Description: Be glad it was just the socks... |
Week - 772
Blossoms ~ Secrets: Part One by twillieblossom |
Description: Long before even my time... |
Week - 773
Blossoms ~ Secrets Pt.2 by twillieblossom |
Description: Sentries were found and picked from all around the world... |
Week - 774
Blossoms ~ Secrets Pt. 3 by twillieblossom |
Description: She knew Taelia well, so she trusted her... |
Week - 775
Blossoms~ Secrets pt.4 by twillieblossom |
Description: I couldn't tell you exactly what happened... |
Week - 776
Blossoms~ Secrets pt.5 by twillieblossom |
Description: History lesson number one. |
Week - 777
Blossoms~ Secrets pt.6 by twillieblossom |
Description: Lock the pantry! |
Week - 778
Blossoms~ Secrets pt.7 by twillieblossom |
Description: No take backs. |
Week - 779
Blossoms~ Secrets End by twillieblossom |
Description: No turning around. |
Week - 858
Blossoms~ Games Night Part 1 by twillieblossom |
Description: I feel like I'd keep warmer if I stayed outside. |
Week - 859
Blossoms~ Games Night Part 2 by twillieblossom |
Description: I'll show you! |
Week - 860
Blossoms~ Games Night Part 3 by twillieblossom |
Description: heads up... |
Week - 861
Blossoms~ Games Night Part 4 by twillieblossom |
Description: It's not like I asked to be here either. |
Week - 862
Blossoms~ Games Night Part 5 by twillieblossom |
Description: Don't tell me it's my tears next.
Week - 863
Blossoms~ Games Night Part 6 by twillieblossom |
Description: We're talking about this tree, right? |
Week - 864
Blossoms~ Games Night Part 7 by twillieblossom |
Description: Yeah yeah, c'mon Jonathon it's your turn!
Week - 865
Blossoms~ Part 8 by twillieblossom |
Description: Maybe next time? |
Week - 867
Blossoms~ Games Night Epilogue by twillieblossom |
Description: That sprained ankle is what you got you here, might as well commit!
Week - 882
Blossoms~ Halloween by twillieblossom |
Description: It's not like I have a costume to wear, though. |
Week - 896
Blossoms~ Abdication Part 1 [FOR APRIL FOOLS ISSUE] by twillieblossom |
Description: As soon as you come, it's time to go. |
Week - 904
Blossoms~ A Day Out Part 1 by twillieblossom |
Description: Nothing unusual for her. |
Week - 905
Blossoms~ A Day Out Part 2 by twillieblossom |
Description: I'm glad I was able to catch you in time! |
Week - 906
Blossoms~ A Day Out Part 3 by twillieblossom |
Description: What has you asking about Zathandria anyway? |
Week - 907
Blossoms~ A Day Out Part 4 by twillieblossom |
Description: How do I get out of this? |
Week - 908
Blossoms~ A Day Out Part 5 by twillieblossom |
Description: Because they're too busy judging me. |
Week - 909
Blossoms~ A Day Out Part 6 by twillieblossom |
Description: And the rest will take care of itself. |
Week - 910
Blossoms~ A Day Out Part 7 by twillieblossom |
Description: You did it!! I knew you could, I told you! |
Week - 911
Blossoms~ A Day Out Part 8 by twillieblossom |
Description: Zathandria! How was your day? |
Week - 912
Blossoms~ A Day Out Epilogue by twillieblossom |
Description: You'd think she'd never done magic before! |
Week - 913
Blossoms~ The Talk Part 1 by twillieblossom |
Description: So, what did you need to talk about? |
Week - 914
Blossoms~ The Talk Part 2 by twillieblossom |
Description: You don't know what blue is? |
Week - 916
Blossoms~ The Talk Part 3 by twillieblossom |
Description: I think we can help each other out. |
Week - 917
Blossoms~ The Talk Part 4 by twillieblossom |
Description: If you wanna make up with your family, you need to go back home. |
Week - 918
Blossoms~ The Talk Part 5 by twillieblossom |
Description: You sure this place is safe? |
Week - 919
Blossoms~ The Talk Part 6 by twillieblossom |
Description: You ready? |
Week - 920
Blossoms~ The Talk Epilogue by twillieblossom |
Description: "...the confidentiality of any and all information disclosed to Queen Fyora..." |
Week - 931
A Conversation About Comics by june_scarlet |
Description: Twillie and June; two comic creators for the Neopian Times, and both friends. So often their conversation turns to comics, but this time it’s a little different. This time, they’re sharing their conversation with you.Collab with twillieblossom |
Week - 937
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 1 by twillieblossom |
Description: Magic is something to be proud of. |
Week - 938
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 2 by twillieblossom |
Description: Why keep secrets you don't need to? |
Week - 939
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 3 by twillieblossom |
Description: We're gonna have a chat with the Heart? |
Week - 941
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 4 by twillieblossom |
Description: It's so bright... |
Week - 942
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 5 by twillieblossom |
Description: Kind of eerie, but I like it! |
Week - 943
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 6 by twillieblossom |
Description: You gotta budge somehow! |
Week - 944
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 7 by twillieblossom |
Description: Are you there? Can you hear me? |
Week - 945
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 8 by twillieblossom |
Description: Get back here! |
Week - 946
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 9 by twillieblossom |
Description: It was like a voice in my head, but... deafening. |
Week - 947
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 10 by twillieblossom |
Description: Do you not know how people treat magic humans? |
Week - 948
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 11 by twillieblossom |
Description: You don't have to like me, but I do need you to trust me. |
Week - 949
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 12 by twillieblossom |
Description: I just can't tell if it's my anxiety or my gut trying to stop me. |
Week - 950
Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Epilogue by twillieblossom |
Description: Of course not. |
Week - 951
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: I wonder what it's like up there...
Week - 957
Blossoms by twillieblossom |
Description: Do you know what happened to my calendar? |
Week - 965
A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two - Part 1 by precious_katuch14 |
Description: "The war room of Meridell Castle was full of knights either seated at the table, jostling for position on the floor, or standing around wherever they could find room." collab with twillieblossom - thumbnail artist |
Week - 966
A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two - Part 2 by precious_katuch14 |
Description: "Baron Cuthbert steepled his fingers on his garish desk, which was adorned with Cyodrakes on each corner and even had a small statuette of himself as a pen and inkwell holder alongside a fancy gilded tray with several papers." collab with twillieblossom - thumbnail artist |
Week - 970
A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two - Part 6 by precious_katuch14 |
Description: "Meridell’s forest seemed to stretch out for miles before them, with the castle nowhere in sight and the sun beginning to set. Jeran and Rohane looked at Will, who was breathing hard and uncorking a skin of water as he sat down under a tree."
Thumbnail by twillieblossom |
Week - 971
A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two by precious_katuch14 |
Description: "They said that Mordred was a disgruntled noble who turned to a life of crime, targeting other nobles and raiding the area closest to Meridell Castle. Supposedly he used to be Lord Mordecai, a royal Shoyru, before reinventing himself as a stealthy Shoyru..." Thumbnail by twillieblossom |
Week - 969
Blossoms~ Coming to Light Part 1 by twillieblossom |
Description: It's not about the money! It's about the experience! |
Week - 971
Blossoms~ Coming to Light Part 2 by twillieblossom |
Description: What's going on with the Neggs? |
Week - 972
Rubble and Memories by parody_ham |
Description: "A letter came, as they often did, in the beak of a Weewoo. But this one was different..."Thumbnail made by twillieblossom |
Week - 972
Blossoms~ Coming to Light Part 3 by twillieblossom |
Description: You're not the only one seeing strange things! |
Week - 974
Blossoms~ Coming to Light Part 4 by twillieblossom |
Description: We're always happy to see you! |
Week - 977
Blossoms~ That Special Someone by twillieblossom |
Description: How does my stuff keep getting lost in your nest? |
Week - 978
Blossoms~ Coming to Light Part 5 by twillieblossom |
Description: So, uh, you and Taelia always been friends? |
Week - 979
Blossoms~ Coming to Light Part 6 (Illusen) by twillieblossom |
Description: That was a surprise with Taelia, huh? |
Week - 980
Blossoms~ Coming to Light Epilogue by twillieblossom |
Description: I got an idea back at the Neggery... |
Week - 981
Blossoms~ Meeting Part 1 by twillieblossom |
Description: What are you... |
Week - 982
Blossoms~ Meeting Part 2 by twillieblossom |
Description: I can explain this. |
Week - 983
Blossoms~ Meeting Part 3 by twillieblossom |
Description: What would happen if Taelia did find out about our sentry work? |
Week - 984
Blossoms~ Meeting Part 4 by twillieblossom |
Description: You hear back from Fyora yet? |
Week - 985
Blossoms~ Meeting Epilogue by twillieblossom |
Description: She knows better than to do it EVERY time. |
Week - 986
Blossoms~ Digging Deep Part 1 by twillieblossom |
Description: It's not my place to explain this mountain. |
Week - 987
Notable Neopians: Twillie (twillieblossom) by greykadoatie |
Description: Hello and welcome to Notable Neopians! I’m greykadoatie and in this issue we are shining the spotlight on one of Neopia’s most prolific authors and artists: Twillie (twillieblossom) the creator of Blossoms, a comic series that’s been in publication since Issue 560. |
Week - 987
Blossoms~ Digging Deep Part 2 by twillieblossom |
Description: I knew there was a reason I never come here. |
Week - 988
Blossoms~ Digging Deep Part 3 by twillieblossom |
Description: Now don't let the tiny igloo fool you... |