Week - 695
Peril in Brightvale's Beryl Meadows by _brainchild_ |
Description: The sisters treaded through lush green meadows, enjoying the vibrant voices of the birds as they approached their new home in Brightvale. The comforting breeze loosened leaves from their branches and danced upon the ladies' skin. Their hair twirled in the wind, reflecting bright sunshine. The grass was slightly dewy from the previous night's rainfall. When they reached their beautiful abode, they gazed in awe at its contents. |
Week - 696
Neopia's Top Grundo Day Commodities by _brainchild_ |
Description: Around Grundo Day, many Neopians are at a loss when trying to decide how to celebrate. There are hundreds of wonderful Grundo items to choose from, each one seeming as promising as the next. Therefore, I have provided my recommendations for the best Grundo items, in my opinion. |
Week - 697
A Dazzling Draik's Dilemma by _brainchild_ |
Description: Flor continued to grumble as the three ventured through summery scenes. Eventually they reached the Trading Post. "I'm parched!" whined Flor. "I need something, anything to drink!" Then she spotted the Pink Draik Morphing Potion. She grabbed the glass bottle and chugged it. Christine and Nadaba gazed at her in horror. "Flor," started Christine incredulously, "did you even pay attention to what you just drank?" |
Week - 698
Doughnutfruits: The Techo's Tantalizing Treats by _brainchild_ |
Description: As Techo day approaches, the minds of Neopians everywhere turn to famous Techos across the globe, such as the Techo Master, Dr. Death, and that crazy Techo Fanatic who pierces everyone's poor eardrums at the Altador Cup. However, one Techo often overlooked is the Tropical Foods shopkeeper on Mystery Island. |
Week - 699
Perfectly Posh Poogle Outfits by _brainchild_ |
Description: As Poogle Day approaches, many Neopians are at a loss about which wearables they should choose for their Poogles. Fear not, because there are several Poogle-specific outfits that would look fantastic on any Poogle. These clothing pieces can be purchased at the Clothing Shop in Neopia Central or by using the Shop Wizard. Here are my recommendations. |
Week - 700
Curious Creatures: Lab Ray Only Petpets by _brainchild_ |
Description: If you have access to the Petpet Laboratory (which can only be visited after completing the Secret Laboratory Map), then you have probably encountered a myriad of unique petpets formed by the mysterious light over the course of your zapping excursions. However, you might not have seen the ones that are specific to the Lab Ray only. |
Week - 702
The Potion Predicament by _brainchild_ |
Description: With a smile, Snazztacular the Purple Lupe poured Sloth Spaghetti onto the plate of yet another Grundo at the Virtupets Space Station. A gigantic line had formed outside Grundo's Cafe, every one of the clients eager for a delicious meal. Snazz was in fact doing volunteer work; the profits from the food sales were going to charity. |
Week - 703
The New Restocking System Explained by _brainchild_ |
Description: Shops used to keep the same old junk in stock forever, taking up the four rows so nothing good could restock. Therefore, people would spend their hard-earned Neopoints on garbage to deliberately make space so good items could stock. This was deemed a problem, and the auto-clear system was born. |
Week - 730
Purveyor of Precious Toys: The Toy Shopkeeper by _brainchild_ |
Description: As Lupe Day approaches, the minds of Neopians across the globe turn to famous Lupes that have contributed to our world. In honor of this holiday, my Purple Lupe named Snazztacular and I decided to interview a famous Lupe: the shopkeeper of the Toy Store in Neopia Central. |
Week - 731
A Beautiful Blumaroo and her Mystical Treasure by _brainchild_ |
Description: Tiv stepped into the fountain and grinned as the wondrous waters swirled around her. Rainbows danced across her skin as it changed color. However, something wasn't quite right. When the process was over, Tiv was horrified to find that she had been painted Maractite, not Maraquan. |
Week - 733
The Tale of the Missing Tail by _brainchild_ |
Description: Alshena the Plushie Aisha held back tears as the other Neopets pointed and laughed at her. They were ridiculing her for a feature (or lack thereof) that she couldn't help. The poor little kitty had been born without a tail. |
Week - 734
Purveyor of Petpets: Fanciful Fauna's Cool Koi by _brainchild_ |
Description: One lesser-known Koi is the shopkeeper of the Fanciful Fauna store in Shenkuu, who sells exotic petpets. These fascinating creatures are sure to delight any Neopet who receives them. Here are all of the different varieties of petpets sold by the Koi, from least rare to most rare |
Week - 737
A Pair of Punished Pranksters by _brainchild_ |
Description: The moon was full, and the sky was plagued by ominous shadows. Two Darigan Neopets, a Scorchio and an Aisha, snuck onto the property, spray paint in hand. "I can't believe that Ella beat us in the Beauty Contest," grumbled the Scorchio. "We'll show her!" |
Week - 740
A Rambunctious Kacheek's Culinary Plight by _brainchild_ |
Description: The alluring elegance of the establishment emitted the feeling of bliss. The restaurant, simply named "Kelp", was rumored to be one of Neopia's finest eateries. On the basis of its eclectic appearance, it certainly lived up to its reputation. |
Week - 741
A Draik's Dessert-Themed Dilemma by _brainchild_ |
Description: The sky was dark, and Batterflies littered the air. Hessron the Plushie Draik was in his bed, trying to sleep. However, his ears were plagued by an odd, creepy noise. Therefore, he got up to investigate. |
Week - 754
The Perfumed Plight of a Posh Princess by _brainchild_ |
Description: Chessangie the Royalgirl Draik was sifting through the mail at her house when she noticed a beautiful envelope which bore a rosy pink hue. She saw that it was addressed to her, so she opened it. She was enthralled by the sparkly glitter and intricate details on the card which she found inside. |
Week - 756
The Golden Dubloon: Profit or Loss? (An Experiment) by _brainchild_ |
Description: I treated my Baby Kacheek named Walda to one hundred meals at the Golden Dubloon. The total value of the Dubloons that I spent was around 162,000 Neopoints. The purpose of my experiment was to determine the approximate chance of receiving leftovers as well as the margin of profit or loss after they were obtained. |
Week - 757
The Plight of a Pirate Who Sought a Pawkeet by _brainchild_ |
Description: He gazed at the curious creatures, admiring their amazing appearances. He decided that he wanted to buy a Pawkeet, but he did not have the 55 Dubloons which were required as payment. "I'll have to save up," he told the Shopkeeper. "G'bye!" |
Week - 763
Assignment 53: Earn that Avatar and Trophy! by _brainchild_ |
Description: Do you jump for joy upon earning another pretty avatar for your collection? Do you spend countless hours polishing the 100+ trophies in your cabinet, still yearning for a new addition? Or are you just a fan of Aishas? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this guide is for you |
Week - 768
The Valentine’s Day Which Was Plagued by a Villain by _brainchild_ |
Description: Walda, however, had decided to stay behind—she had an idea. The other students' candy was sitting on their desks, just waiting to be eaten. Filled with avarice, she started to wolf down everyone else's chocolate, blissfully hopping from desk to desk. |
Week - 773
The Runaway Child Who Actually Helped Out by _brainchild_ |
Description: While her three sisters were squabbling, Walda ran out the door in search of chocolate. No scorching blaze would ever stop her from getting the sweet, sugary taste. She arrived in Sakhmet and made her way through the crowd until she reached the Food Stall. She put her small amount of pocket money down on the table and asked the Shopkeeper, "Do you have any chocolate?" |
Week - 779
Kolorful Kougras: Neopia's Top Fifteen Varieties by _brainchild_ |
Description: I am here to honor this underrated species by recommending the top fifteen Kougra colors out of all the choices that exist. |
Week - 789
Neopia's Top Summer Wearables by _brainchild_ |
Description: Upon doing research, one is confronted with a myriad of wondrous wares, each choice seeming as satisfactory as the next. However, dear Neopians, have fear no longer, for I have listed my stellar recommendations below! |
Week - 794
The Miracle Who Fell From the Sky! by _brainchild_ |
Description: You're a pain, Flor. |
Week - 799
The Draik in Search of Precious Kin by _brainchild_ |
Description: A tale about a Draik's journey... |
Week - 801
Even Royals Make Mistakes by _brainchild_ |
Description: The best of the best aren't immune to messing up... |
Week - 804
Spectacular Slorgs, Color and Scent So Misunderstood by _brainchild_ |
Description: In honor of Slorg Day, I am here to dispel the common myths about Slorgs which have been circulating around |
Week - 813
Terrific Treats: The Tastiest Wintery Foods by _brainchild_ |
Description: During the winter season, many Neopians wonder what they should eat for their holiday dinner. Of course, the most important part of the meal is dessert. :P There is a myriad of choices which a Neopet has to deal with, and the options may seem overwhelming at times. |
Week - 816
Valentine Rarities to Keep Away from a Brat by _brainchild_ |
Description: Of course, there's the classic box of... candy, but there are also many other creative and unique gift ideas which your friend will surely love. Some are incredibly rare and valuable, making them a great choice for someone you truly care about. |
Week - 819
Celebrating with Neocash: Balloon-Themed Wearables by _brainchild_ |
Description: Starring Florezca the Pink Draik, Nadaba the (less than sensible) Maraquan Draik, and Naydeen the Baby Korbat! |
Week - 825
The Disadvantage of Being a Kiko by _brainchild_ |
Description: Awww... |
Week - 833
The SHO Must Go On! by _brainchild_ |
Description: But but But... |
Week - 837
~The Den of Malediction~ by _brainchild_ |
Description: Tivlia the Maraquan Blumaroo had always been a tenacious treasure hunter. While growing up in Maraqua, she quickly learned to search for valuable commodities. Many times, she had made astounding sums of Neopoints from the prizes she had found. She hoped that her upcoming hunt would be no exception. |
Week - 841
How the Kiko Got Its Bandage by _brainchild_ |
Description: sooo that's how it happened... |
Week - 845
Nothing is Scarier than a Halloween Brat by _brainchild_ |
Description: It was Halloween night, and Walda the Baby Kacheek was sitting at home with a glum expression on her face. While her friends were out trick-or-treating, she was being punished for misbehavior which may or may not have included a chocolate-induced sugar rush. “Grounded on Halloween!” she exclaimed to herself. “This stinks!” |
Week - 851
The True Meaning of the Holiday Season by _brainchild_ |
Description: Christmas morning had arrived, and Walda the Baby Kacheek felt a rush of excitement when she dashed down the stairs and saw presents with her name on them. |
Week - 857
Exquisite Prizes: Lyra and Aurrick’s Favorite Items by _brainchild_ |
Description: ---Starring Chessangie the Royalgirl Draik, Chessella the Pastel Draik, Maldice the Stealthy Draik, and Walda the ever so bratty Baby Kacheek!--- |
Week - 856
Fourteen Foods for Valentine's Day by _brainchild_ |
Description: Fourteen Foods for Valentine’s Day! ---Starring Lerlifa the Chocolate Draik, Rasola the Plushie Kougra, and Walda the ever so bratty Baby Kacheek!!!--- |
Week - 861
BREAKING NEWS: Cute Snowbunnies Defeat Dr. Sloth by _brainchild_ |
Description: An army of cute Faerie Snowbunnies has captured Virtupets’ evil mastermind, Dr. Frank Sloth. |
Week - 863
The Negg Dust Nuisance by _brainchild_ |
Description: very bad idea... |
Week - 865
Fit for a Queen by _brainchild_ |
Description: So eye catching... |
Week - 872
Do You Believe in Magic? by _brainchild_ |
Description: Within the grassy meadows of Brightvale, there lived a caring and compassionate Purple Lupe named Snazztacular. |
Week - 875
A Child's Pursuit of a Powerful Legend by _brainchild_ |
Description: One sunny day, Walda the Baby Kacheek was playing with her friends at school recess. Walda was going down the slide when the teacher blew the whistle, signaling that the children had to return to class. |
Week - 882
The Gamer's Spirit Never Dies by _brainchild_ |
Description: never! |
Week - 883
The Woe of Being Broke on a Birthday by _brainchild_ |
Description: but whyy |
Week - 884
The Facets of Naming: What Should I Call My Pet? by _brainchild_ |
Description: With the arrival of the new pet slots, a lot of Neopians are wondering which pets they will create. It’s hard to decide, but once you have figured out which colors and species you want, your pets have to have names. Maybe you’ve browsed petpages full of untaken names, but you just can’t find one you like. That’s why I am here to help you name your beloved pet. There are six facets of naming which I will discuss: Fitting to color or species, fitting to customization, compounds, pairing with existing pets, misspells, and foreign real words and names. |
Week - 886
The Case of the Missing Chocolate Santa Candies by _brainchild_ |
Description: NEVEER! |
Week - 891
A Bratty Baby’s Favorite Valentine’s Day Wearables by _brainchild_ |
Description: ---Starring Walda the very bratty Baby Kacheek and Christine, her owner!--- |
Week - 895
A Relic of the Past by _brainchild_ |
Description: A rocky purchase... |
Week - 896
BREAKING NEWS: Queen Fyora Steps Down from Throne by _brainchild_ |
Description: Queen Fyora has stepped down from the throne to pursue a career in making sculptures out of food. She plans to work with cheese, chocolate, and more. Because of this, she is moving to Neopia Central, where lots of food shops are close by. |
Week - 904
The Poetry Contest: Frequently Asked Questions by _brainchild_ |
Description: So, you’d like to start entering the Poetry Contest? Great! |
Week - 905
A Book Worth Re-Reading by _brainchild_ |
Description: The worst time to forget! |
Week - 915
Comparing Two Cosmic Cafés by _brainchild_ |
Description: Lerlifia the Chocolate Draik, Sellescha the Pastel Kacheek, and Walda the Baby Kacheek sample some food that is out of this world! |
Week - 914
I Can Donate Anything? by _brainchild_ |
Description: Tie-in with the current Charity Corner event! |
Week - 918
Spooky Rarities: Unconverted Petpets by _brainchild_ |
Description: Explore spooky unconverted petpets with Chessangie the Royalgirl Draik, Chessella the Pastel Draik, Walda the Baby Kacheek, and Christine, their owner! |
Week - 920
All of the Birthday Fun with None of the Calories! by _brainchild_ |
Description: Check out these birthday-themed items to celebrate Neopets’ birthday with none of the calories! |
Week - 923
No Holiday Is Complete Without a Slushie by _brainchild_ |
Description: Lerlifia the Chocolate Draik, Sellescha the Pastel Kacheek, Walda the Baby Kacheek, and Christine, their owner sample some slushies for the holiday season! |
Week - 926
Singing Isn't For Everyone by _brainchild_ |
Description: Next, please... |
Week - 927
Wearable Jewellery for Your Friend or Valentine by _brainchild_ |
Description: If you’re wondering what kind of gift to get your friend, family member, or valentine for Valentine’s Day, look no further. |
Week - 931
Neocash Redemption Prizes Starring Illusen! by _brainchild_ |
Description: Illusen is a very sweet and stylish Earth Faerie, so why not show her some love? |
Week - 932
The Disappearance of Chet Flash: A Gamer’s Revenge by _brainchild_ |
Description: Passionate gamer Nadaba is determined to get the games back up and running after Dr. Sloth shuts them off! |
Week - 934
The Great Cybunny Theft by _brainchild_ |
Description: When I saw the book “The Great Cybunny Theft” and its description, I felt inspired to write my interpretation of what happened in the story! |
Week - 936
Spring Cleaning Gone Wrong by _brainchild_ |
Description: REALLY Ella?! |
Week - 938
The Brattiest Altador Cup Player Ever by _brainchild_ |
Description: Sorry, kid, can't help you there... |
Week - 940
The Nightmare by _brainchild_ |
Description: Maldice is trapped in a deep slumber, and it's up to Walda to save her! |
Week - 944
Luxurious Chocolates: Rare and Tasty Treats by _brainchild_ |
Description: Walda the Baby Kacheek, Anjetta the Ice Draik, and Christine, their owner examine some of the rarest chocolate treats in all of Neopia! |
Week - 947
An Outfit to DYE For by _brainchild_ |
Description: Who else is ready for Halloween? |
Week - 948
Tons of Fun With Birthday Wearables by _brainchild_ |
Description: Hi, one and all! As Neopets’ birthday approaches once more, many Neopets are wondering what they should wear to the corresponding birthday party, or any birthday party, for that matter... |
Week - 950
95 Signs You’ve Been Addicted to Neopets Forever by _brainchild_ |
Description: If this sounds like you, then you might be addicted to Neopets without any sign of quitting! |
Week - 951
An Advent Calendar of Holiday Pranks by _brainchild_ |
Description: For the holiday season, I have thought of 31 holiday-themed pranks to play on your fellow Neopians, one for each day of the Month of Celebrating! |
Week - 952
The Ninja Who Was a Good Traitor by _brainchild_ |
Description: Walda the Baby Kacheek learns a lesson or two in standing up for what's right, even when it seems impossible. |
Week - 954
A Grave Mistake on Valentine's Day by _brainchild_ |
Description: ... til death do us part, I suppose. |
Week - 955
Fill Those Pet Slots: Additions on a Budget by _brainchild_ |
Description: Be frugal AND trendy with these affordable morphing methods! |
Week - 956
A Neopian World Tour of Green-Coloured Foods by _brainchild_ |
Description: "...In honour of the Illusen/Green-themed Neopian Times issue, Lervi and I will be doing a Neopian world tour of green-coloured foods." |
Week - 957
The Clash of Two Faeries on their Special Day by _brainchild_ |
Description: "It was just another day in Neopia... or so Walda the Baby Kacheek thought." |
Week - 958
A Non-Gloomy Grey Day With Dyeworks Wearables by _brainchild_ |
Description: "In honour of Grey Day, we have gathered some non-gloomy grey Dyeworks items for your viewing pleasure---" |
Week - 959
Aquatic Rarities: Unconverted Petpets by _brainchild_ |
Description: "In the early 2000s, a handful of pre-existing Petpets were changed into new designs for various reasons." |
Week - 961
Fill Those Pet Slots: Underappreciated Additions by _brainchild_ |
Description: "In Issue 955 of the Neopian Times, I wrote about filling pet slots on a budget. However, I’m sure that there are many more pet slots to be filled across Neopia, so now I’m back to talk about filling pet slots with underappreciated additions." |
Week - 962
Some of Queen Fyora’s Fabulous Rarities by _brainchild_ |
Description: "Well, today, in honour of the Fyora edition of the Neopian Times, we’ll be examining some of the most unique retired Hidden Tower items." |
Week - 965
The Merits of Meridell’s Stinkiest Attraction by _brainchild_ |
Description: "A lot of Neopians were thrilled when the chance of rare items spawning at Meridell’s Rubbish Dump increased significantly. If you’re willing to sift through some smelly trash, you could walk away with something valuable!" |
Week - 967
The Tyrannian Food Shop: Public Opinion by _brainchild_ |
Description: "Everyone likes a good bite to eat, right? Well, I sure do. In honour of Tyrannian Victory Day this year, I visited the Tyrannian Foods shop, which is run by a Kacheek. Although he only speaks Tyrannian, one of the locals kindly translated for us. " |
Week - 972
The Spooky Food Shop Exposed by _brainchild_ |
Description: "I’m writing to inform the public of a massive moral atrocity which had been happening right under our noses. It was that outrageous Spooky Food shop in the Haunted Woods..." |
Week - 973
When a Baby Has a Birthday... by _brainchild_ |
Description: The worst part of a Baby Neopet's Birthday... |
Week - 974
Affordable Toys This Holiday Season by _brainchild_ |
Description: "Starring Influir the (snobby and spoiled) Pastel Gelert, Stepholla the Plushie Kacheek, Tivlia the Maraquan Blumaroo, and Christine, their owner!" |
Week - 975
A Weewoo’s Legacy, Never Unfinished by _brainchild_ |
Description: "A grassy knoll in Brightvale was home to a community of Weewoos. There were many different colors which were bound to..." |