Week - 432
Phosphofructokinase Diaries by parody_ham |
Description: Ever get the feeling you are missing something? |
Week - 468
A Neopian's Guide to Destruct-o-Match III by parody_ham |
Description: Are those pesky blocks starting to drive you crazy? This guide can help! |
Week - 474
Phosphofructokinase Diaries: Faeriely Ironic by parody_ham |
Description: What would have happened if the bottled faeries had turned to stone?
Idea by black_skull725 |
Week - 476
An Essential Guide to Owning Darigan Petpets by parody_ham |
Description: "The absolute most important thing you must remember when working with Darigan petpets is..." |
Week - 490
Five Years Later by futuremrsharrypotter |
Description: Who knew?
Idea by parody_ham |
Week - 516
Sharing The Quill by black_skull725 |
Description: Quoth the White Weewoo, "One Quill. Two Neopians. Three C's to consider!
Also by parody_ham |
Week - 531
Being Stylishly Evil: Customizing Darigan Pets by parody_ham |
Description: Whoever knew customizing Darigan pets could be so easy? |
Week - 556
Reflections from a Neopian Times Author by parody_ham |
Description: Join me (and the White Weewoo crew) as we reflect on my journey as a Neopian writer! |
Week - 565
The ENVI's Guide to Better Quality Villains by parody_ham |
Description: The Evil Neopian Villain's Institute is now offering free evil genius lessons! |
Week - 567
Dare to Scare: A Neopian Fashion Guide by parody_ham |
Description: A guide to looking your finest during the spookiest time of year!
Also by dr_tomoe |
Week - 590
The Star of Paradise by parody_ham |
Description: "Some call me a thief—and I am—but those who know me best call me 'The Star of Paradise'..." |
Week - 607
Of Pirates and Pranks: Part One by parody_ham |
Description: Sometimes, even the funniest pranks can go a bit too far... |
Week - 608
Of Pirates and Pranks: Part Two by parody_ham |
Description: By the time the duo made it to their cushioned seats, the game was already 1-0, Krawk Island in the lead. Vickles picked out the VIP section when he spotted many finely dressed Neopians... |
Week - 609
Of Pirates and Pranks: Part Three by parody_ham |
Description: "Well, guys, it looks like we'll be facing our greatest rivals today." The Gelert's ears flopped to the side, his face worn. |
Week - 610
Of Pirates and Pranks: Part Four by parody_ham |
Description: The second the whistle blew, both left forwards, Vickles and Hawkshanks, darted for the Yooyu. They both tried to scoop up the Petpet, but Hawkshanks made it first. |
Week - 608
Chadley's Challenge by parody_ham |
Description: He's so dreamy! *swoons* |
Week - 614
Lisha's Lament by parody_ham |
Description: Sometimes sacrifices are more than worth it to save the ones you love... |
Week - 618
Enhancing Your Halloween with Super-SCIENCE! by parody_ham |
Description: For SCIENCE!
Co-written by my twin brother, homsar_eggplant |
Week - 623
Plight of the Fallen by parody_ham |
Description: On a day when two fortresses still claimed the Neopian skies, there came time for an urgent meeting. While mechanized gears chugged their solemn songs within the Citadel's boiler room, a council of twenty sat in a shuttered room near Darigan's private chambers. |
Week - 625
A Shopper's Guide to Malevolent Merriment by parody_ham |
Description: Brought to you by the Evil Neopian Villain's Institute: bringing holiday fear since year 14. |
Week - 630
The Editor's Quill by parody_ham |
Description: Editing is a difficult skill to master, but an important skill to have.
Co-written and thumbnail by cosmicfire918 |
Week - 631
The Price of Premium by nativsis |
Description: SPLAT!
Also by parody_ham |
Week - 634
Neopians Claim Oracle is Evil by parody_ham |
Description: This morning, the oracle of the obelisk was sighted doing "something suspicious."
Also by homsar_eggplant |
Week - 643
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part One by parody_ham |
Description: The longest war ever known in the citadel's history had finished three years prior. Since then, apparent peace had been made between the warring factions, Darigan Citadel and the far away kingdom of Meridell. |
Week - 644
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Two by parody_ham |
Description: "Ugh," he muttered in a high, squeaky voice that resembled the incessant meowing of "Scruffles," a Darigan Angelpuss that frequented the Lord's chambers. |
Week - 645
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Three by parody_ham |
Description: For the slightest inkling of a moment, Setarian almost felt sorry for those Meridellians. The rumbling of his stomach seemed to agree with his pity; now, he also suffered. |
Week - 646
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Four by parody_ham |
Description: Hours of non-stop traveling took quite a toll on Setarian. Still, rest no longer seemed like a priority, only survival. |
Week - 647
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Five by parody_ham |
Description: "No, I'm not," the child called Setarian shouted, "and you'll see. One day, I'll be in the army. Then we'll see who's trash." |
Week - 648
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Six by parody_ham |
Description: "Jeran told me that no Meridellian would claim you as their kid and... it made me sad. No one should be alone, Serian..." |
Week - 649
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Seven by parody_ham |
Description: Setarian spun away at the last second and held the sword as he normally would have: "Too high." With all the force he could muster, the former Darigan swatted away Jeran's sword. |
Week - 650
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Eight by parody_ham |
Description: "Of all the situations I've trained for, nothing could prepare me for this." The knight's voice quivered. "And yet..." |
Week - 652
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Nine by parody_ham |
Description: Skarl bared his teeth, but Setarian continued to shout. "He was right all along. You are nothing but a hateful tyrant!" |
Week - 653
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Ten by parody_ham |
Description: "Don't change topics on me, Setarian. I know what you are doing."
Hearing his real name seemed almost unnatural. It took a few seconds to regain his composure. |
Week - 655
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Eleven by parody_ham |
Description: A gust of wind pushed up on his wings, sudden and fierce. It kept him from crashing into the gardens below, but just barely. |
Week - 656
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Twelve by parody_ham |
Description: "Kass!" he shouted, barrel rolling away from a projectile. "Face me. Face me, you coward!" |
Week - 651
Mud Coffee by goron0000 |
Description: We do this every day. It's getting expensive.
Idea by parody_ham |
Week - 654
It Takes a Hero by parody_ham |
Description: On a quiet, ordinary summer's day, a white Usul sat crossed-legged at the library's circulation desk... |
Week - 657
Dear Lisha by parody_ham |
Description: "It's our little secret! Isn't that fun?" |
Week - 664
Caught Between Kingdoms: The Aftermath by parody_ham |
Description: Almost a month had passed since the day Meridell was attacked by Lord Kass. Even now, most of the fair city lay in ruins... |
Week - 667
Halloween Woes by parody_ham |
Description: This needs to stop happening every year...
Illustrated by brenda_bbm |
Week - 668
How to Survive the Brightvale University Dining Hall by parody_ham |
Description: Before you pick up those (very heavy) textbooks, there is something you should know: beware the dining hall. |
Week - 669
Off-Season Life: Day Jobs by fhujmasterofhedgehog |
Description: Here's your ice cream.
Written by parody_ham |
Week - 670
Neopian Public Speaking 101 by parody_ham |
Description: The most important thing is to believe in yourself. No one in the room is going to know the material better than you do. |
Week - 674
The Perfect Gift by fhujmasterofhedgehog |
Description: Sometimes the perfect gift isn't what it seems.
Written by parody_ham |
Week - 676
Heroes from the Other Side: Part One by parody_ham |
Description: "How is the king, Sir Pendleton?"
"Not well, Lord Kass. I daresay he has been captured." |
Week - 677
Heroes from the Other Side: Part Two by parody_ham |
Description: "Kanrik, is that you? Why do you stealth from the greatest heroes this Neopia has ever known?" |
Week - 688
Interview with The Cup Player by parody_ham |
Description: It’s Altador Cup time in Neopia! For the thousands of fans who attend, this month is the best part of the year. But what do our players think of the fanbase? I, Haibara, have set out to interview players from each team and ask their opinions. |
Week - 690
Just Like Old Times by parody_ham |
Description: The Neopian Times is far more than just a newspaper! |
Week - 693
Phosphofructokinase Diaries: Inspiration by parody_ham |
Description: Feeling inspired? |
Week - 699
Turning Pages: Part One by warriorsrock965 |
Description: The figure, cloaked in a fine black suit, wriggled his nose slightly while pushing the golden-rimmed monocle higher against his brow. Red ribbon lined the brim of his top hat and a cane rest snugly against his short, stubby, pink paws. Also by parody_ham |
Week - 700
Turning Pages: Part Two by warriorsrock965 |
Description: A collective of sounds echoed about the room. Such a chorus of ‘ahs’ could only be compared to the pure delight of watching a rocket blast off to Kreludor for the very first time. A few of them even brushed their hands over the machine, taking note of its polished surface and pristine metal keys. Also by parody_ham |
Week - 701
Turning Pages: Part Three by warriorsrock965 |
Description: “I a-assure you, g-good lady, your daughter is ab-absolutely fine.” Sir Alberts continuously pulled at his collar, causing it to wrinkle. He was shaking, not necessarily because of fear, but because of the quaking of a much larger Krawk above him. Each pounding step sent shockwaves rumbling from beneath his feet. Also by parody_ham |
Week - 702
Turning Pages: Part Four by warriorsrock965 |
Description: “Danger?!” Genevieve grabbed Alberts by the collar, dangling him in midair. The Meepit struggled furiously, squirming silently in her grasp. Only when a Lupe wearing black spats—one of the few from the tour group that remained—grasped her arm did the tour guide fall to the ground. Also by parody_ham |
Week - 703
Turning Pages: Part Five by warriorsrock965 |
Description: Stephanie woke slowly, blinking her eyes to adjust to the near darkness surrounding her. Where am I? Her head ached as she took in the sight. It was a large empty, field. Everything else was gone. How did I get here? Also by parody_ham |
Week - 704
Turning Pages: Part Six by warriorsrock965 |
Description: Stephanie backed away from Magis Magister, tightening her grip on Sir Alberts. “What do you mean the story was already written?” Also by parody_ham |
Week - 715
Conspiracy Files of Brightvale University #1 by parody_ham |
Description: Trust no one. |
Week - 718
Scientific Highlights: The Crokabek by parody_ham |
Description: Little is known about a majority of the Petpet species living in Neopia. For some, such as the Crokabek, this knowledge gap is particularly large. What is considered common knowledge in terms of their biology, including that of their disease vector status is, at best, a partial truth. |
Week - 719
Happy UN-Valentine's Day by chasing_stars44 |
Description: For all you grumps out there! You know who you are! Also by parody_ham |
Week - 720
Beauty Contest Blues by waterbird333 |
Description: "Um... I think the Beauty Contest avatar was released." Also by parody_ham |
Week - 721
Hard Working by petpet_92_24 |
Description: Or hardly working? Also by parody_ham |
Week - 722
Eclectic Antics: Winter by amarettoball |
Description: We all have that one friend. Also by parody_ham |
Week - 723
Eclectic Antics: Illusen's Marketing by amarettoball |
Description: Being tiny is an everyday struggle. Also by parody_ham |
Week - 726
Wraithland is Misunderstood: Entering Aiopen by parody_ham |
Description: You won't believe what we saw in Wraithland... Also by homsar_eggplant. |
Week - 729
Eclectic Antics: Lever of Doom by amarettoball |
Description: Avatar collectors are not mad. Okay, maybe a little. Also by parody_ham |
Week - 737
Sunny Side Up: Team Spirit by amarettoball |
Description: The AC commentators have surprisingly poor observational skills. Also by parody_ham |
Week - 738
The Long Road by parody_ham |
Description: My family screamed for me when President Evergreen called my name: Melody Harvester. |
Week - 740
Once Upon a Memory by parody_ham |
Description: It all seems like such a long time ago—ironic, really, given that we live hundreds of years in the past now. |
Week - 752
Make Your Own Undead Army with F.V. Shmoobenduffle! by parody_ham |
Description: In this guide, you too can learn the essentials of ruling your own army of the awakened dead. Also by homsar_eggplant.
Week - 753
Artful Interviews with F.V. Shmoobenduffle by parody_ham |
Description: You came back, I knew you would. Also by my delightfully weird twin brother, homsar_eggplant. |
Week - 757
Of Feathers and Quills: A Review of Weewoo Behavior by parody_ham |
Description: Weewoos are fascinating creatures, and the subject of rigorous scientific study. |
Week - 772
Dear Sally by parody_ham |
Description: How do I even begin to write to her after all these years? What would she even think of me? |
Week - 775
Sunny Side Up: Defenders of Neopia 3 by amarettoball |
Description: Give 'im the old one-two!
Also by parody_ham |
Week - 794
The Art of Bird Watching by parody_ham |
Description: Boredom is rarely an issue once you have a pair of binoculars around your neck. |
Week - 819
Celebrating Spring Break at Brightvale University by parody_ham |
Description: Spring break is just around the corner. Here's a few ways you can celebrate the occasion near BVU! |
Week - 837
Science with the Seekers: The Magic of Motes by parody_ham |
Description: Mote magic is unlike anything else in Neopia... Also by amarettoball |
Week - 857
For Justice! A Guide to Heroic Sidekicks -For Collab by parody_ham |
Description: Hello there, Neopian Times readership of JUSTICE! Have you come to this article hoping to learn about SIDEKICKS? You have? Strap yourself in, young heroes, and bring lots of snacks, because you’re in for a barrage of nonstop action. |
Week - 861
The Coconut: Introducing a New Mascot by parody_ham |
Description: GOOD NIGHT, mr. coconut |
Week - 875
Harmony's Melody by parody_ham |
Description: She placed her right paw upon her heart. “I have a will of iron. Nothing can deter me. |
Week - 876
Surprising Revelations by jesillu |
Description: Surprise! It's Trudy! (Story by Parody_Ham) |
Week - 895
Writing a Gothic Story: Just Add Monocles! by june_scarlet |
Description: This daring duo will teach you all the ways to write the best gothic story.in collaboration with parody_ham |
Week - 896
A Royal Send Off: Fyora's Bucket List by parody_ham |
Description: With Queen Fyora's sudden announcement of her retirement, one has to wonder how she would fill the voids in her day that were previously dominated by government and royal functions.
In collaboration with Black_Skull725. |
Week - 905
Basic Potion Brewing by parody_ham |
Description: Making potions takes practice, insatiable curiosity, love, and a little luck. |
Week - 913
A Hero's Ballad by parody_ham |
Description: Four battle-weary heroes set up camp for the night in the Haunted Woods... |
Week - 914
A Hero's Ballad by parody_ham |
Description: This week, our group of weary travellers must escape the dangers of the Haunted Woods! |
Week - 916
A Hero's Ballad by parody_ham |
Description: A nerve wracked Rohane must face his fears singing at The Shady Sepulcher Inn... |
Week - 917
A Hero's Ballad by parody_ham |
Description: The thrilling conclusion to A Hero's Ballad! |
Week - 915
Passable Gross Foods of Brightvale University by parody_ham |
Description: Sponsored by the Cosmic Corp Gross Food Company |
Week - 917
The Neopian Times Series Spotlight — A Hero's Ballad by the__reporter |
Description: This week we explore the exciting "A Heroes Ballad" series! collab with parody_ham |
Week - 918
The Ghost Story Challenge by parody_ham |
Description: “Egads, it lives!” Also by homsar_eggplant |
Week - 919
Kreludor Comedy Club by elipsis4k |
Description: Some very punny space comedy! Collab with parody_ham |
Week - 920
Caught Between Surprises by parody_ham |
Description: Kayla and Lisha plan a surprise birthday party for Serian’s birthday! |
Week - 921
An Altador Cup in Review by parody_ham |
Description: Looking back on this year’s Altador Cup! Collab with rodel_27phoenix |
Week - 922
Failing Foods of Brightvale University by parody_ham |
Description: When in doubt, don't eat it. |
Week - 923
The Holiday Letters by parody_ham |
Description: College roomates Kate and Melody keep in contact during the holiday as penpals! |
Week - 924
It Snow Joke! by elipsis4k |
Description: How's it snowin'? Collab with parody_ham |
Week - 925
Trouble in Paradise by parody_ham |
Description: “Cheers to a long-awaited vacation!” |
Week - 927
Trouble in Paradise by parody_ham |
Description: Mipsy and Velm strike a deal with the Temple Monster and set out after the thief! |
Week - 928
Trouble in Paradise by parody_ham |
Description: Drew pushes his luck, as well as Mipsy and Velm, to their limits. |
Week - 929
Trouble in Paradise by parody_ham |
Description: Drew leads Mipsy and Velm through the treacherous temple traps. |
Week - 930
Trouble in Paradise by parody_ham |
Description: Will Velm and Mipsy be able to survive their showdown with Carissa? |
Week - 931
Trouble in Paradise by parody_ham |
Description: The thrilling conclusion to Trouble in Paradise! |
Week - 926
This Play Went off Without a Hitch by parody_ham |
Description: Welcome to a behind-the-scenes look at Neopia’s newest play: The Fall, a dramatic retelling of the times before, during, and after Faerieland fell. |
Week - 932
The Chet Files by parody_ham |
Description: As of now, none of the details are agreed upon. But what we do know for sure is that he “wuz here.”
Week - 933
Kad Got Your Toungue? by parody_ham |
Description: It's Kadurday! Collab with elipsis4k |
Week - 934
Merry in Meridell and the Citadel Scene by parody_ham |
Description: Darigan Citadel and Meridell are both fantastic places to visit. Co-written by zed16 |
Week - 935
NQII Many Puns by parody_ham |
Description: And heal keep making puns, too. Collab with javascripter |
Week - 936
Dreaming of Riches by parody_ham |
Description: The Super Attack Pea is too powerful for mere dreams to contain. Collab with rikuji_kioku |
Week - 937
The Faerigan Altador Cup Special by parody_ham |
Description: As everyone is gearing up for the Altador Cup, even Neopia’s famous leaders are ready to cheer on their teams... |
Week - 938
A Hero's Ballad: The Marrow by parody_ham |
Description: Rohane finds himself in a dingy tavern known as The Mangled Marrow... |
Week - 940
A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare by parody_ham |
Description: “I swear it was an accident,” Kayla began again, her voice shaking, “I didn’t mean to trap Rohane in a dream!” |
Week - 941
A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare by parody_ham |
Description: The plains of Meridell quickly morphed into vine-covered ground as the trees surrounding him grew deformed and menacing... |
Week - 942
A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare by parody_ham |
Description: Kayla, Lisha, and Serian do their best to stave off Jeran's hypothermia while he searches for Rohane. |
Week - 945
A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare by parody_ham |
Description: With Lifira’s guiding hoof, the journey became much easier... |
Week - 944
A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare by parody_ham |
Description: Jeran pushes on through the bizarre Dream world! |
Week - 946
A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare by parody_ham |
Description: Upon entering into the dark hole in the sky, Jeran was instantly hit with the overwhelming, echoing cries of a child... |
Week - 947
A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare (For Surreal) by parody_ham |
Description: Kayla, Lisha, Danner, and Serian give it their all to save Jeran and Rohane from being trapped in the Blumaroo's dream! |
Week - 948
A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare by parody_ham |
Description: When the two knights walked closer to the specter of Rohane’s father, the middle-aged knight stood up to meet them both... |
Week - 949
A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare by parody_ham |
Description: The penultimate chapter of A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare! |
Week - 950
A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare by parody_ham |
Description: The thrilling conclusion to A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare! |
Week - 943
Mutant Complexity in Meridellian Weewoos by parody_ham |
Description: Read on for a summary of known research on mutant Weewoo physical traits, life history, diet, and song structure. Knowledge of this sub-species is limited and warrants further research. |
Week - 951
Holiday Cheer in the Citadel by parody_ham |
Description: In the Darigan Citadel, there is holiday cheer, just as there would be throughout the rest of Neopia... Collab with 4mandy4 |
Week - 952
When Worlds Collide by parody_ham |
Description: It's a battle between ninjakin and piratefolk, and Dylan the Krawk is thrown right in the middle of the fight. |
Week - 953
Caught Between Kingdoms: Letters by parody_ham |
Description: Letters reveal memories nearly forgotten. |
Week - 954
A Creative Valentine's Day by parody_ham |
Description: Celebrate your favorite artist with these creative Valentine ideas. collab with 4mandy4 |
Week - 955
A Hero's Ballad: Norbert by parody_ham |
Description: “Is that Sir Rohane’s autograph?!” |
Week - 956
Growing Greener by parody_ham |
Description: "It's possible to make the change for a greener, more environmentally friendly yard, and the rewards for doing so are great for both wildlife as well as for your family and friends." |
Week - 957
Valenristmaween by parody_ham |
Description: What is Valenristmaween, you may ask? A wonderful question! |
Week - 958
Caught Between Kingdoms: Saying Goodbye by parody_ham |
Description: “Every nation, Meridell and Darigan Citadel included, has good and evil. In between, there is grey..." |