A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 196,834,801 Issue: 945 | 1st day of Collecting, Y23
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword jaylahcat

Week - 656

How to Excel at Jumpin' Gem Heist
by jaylahcat
Description: The most important thing I do is throughout the game is to focus on the order the gems fall in.

Week - 892

The Unexpectedly Educational Features of Neopets
by jaylahcat
Description: Would you ever have imagined that designing and decorating a virtual house in a game could introduce you to interior design?

Week - 905

3D Kau Pop-up Card (Printable Craft)
by jaylahcat
Description: A Neopian spin on a(n animal) 3D pop-up card idea from the Internet

Week - 906

3D Flotsam Pop-up Card (Printable Craft)
by jaylahcat
Description: Create your own paper Flotsam companion!

Week - 911

3D Meerca Pop-up Card (Printable Craft)
by jaylahcat
Description: The latest installment in the 3D Pop-up card series features an original pop-up design

Week - 913

3D Chocolate Cybunny Pop-up Card ( Printable Craft)
by jaylahcat
Description: This is a sweet greeting card-making tutorial.

Week - 914

3D Baby Skeith Pop-up Card (Printable Craft)
by jaylahcat
Description: Celebrate Skeith day the right way with this printable craft!

Week - 915

3D Alien Aisha Pop-up Card ( Printable Craft )
by jaylahcat
Description: An out of this world printable craft!

Week - 916

3D Eyrie Pop-up Card (Printable Craft)
by jaylahcat
Description: This 3D pop-up card tutorial features a stately Eyrie design

Week - 923

The Runaway Gift
by jaylahcat
Description: A Kadoatie opens a giant gift box, but her gift soon takes off. I hope you enjoy this GIF I finished in 2010!

Week - 944

3D Poogle Pop-up Card
by jaylahcat
Description: Hop into summer with this Poogle pop-up card tutorial!

Week - 945

3D Mutant Acara Pop-up Card (Printable Craft)
by jaylahcat
Description: This 3D pop-up card tutorial features a stunning Mutant Acara design.

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3D Mutant Acara Pop-up Card (Printable Craft)
This 3D pop-up card tutorial features a stunning Mutant Acara design.

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To Reimh, from Prison
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A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare
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