There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 196,538,512 Issue: 923 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y22
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword freehanded

Week - 886

Top 15 Advent Calendar Prizes of the Decade!
by freehanded
Description: All over Neopia, people are beginning to decorate, singing a new tune, suddenly acting friendlier or more generously… There is no denying the magic of the holiday season, it brings out something different in everyone. People come together to celebrate life, with all its ups and downs, and give back to one another just out of kindness and love.

Week - 923

Winter in Neopia
by muddywater1
Description: Enjoy this wintery crossword puzzle. Answers will be revealed in the next issue! Collab with itaela and freehanded

Week - 923

Catching Snowflakes..
by freehanded
Description: A little help here?

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The 12 Differences of Christmas
Try to spot the 12 differences in this hectic holiday scene! Collab with rorylorelai333 and muddywater1

by itaela


Shopping Is Not That Easy
Want me to help you carry those bags? Collab with carmyyyyy and emanuelle_rockgirl

by crazy_mia


Neopian Snowglobe
I wonder what life would be like in a snowglobe...

by miraday


10 Reasons to Spend the Holidays on Roo Island
A Most Amazing Tourist Brochure by Mr. Regularoo Totallynotkingroo.

by shresthi


Anything Is Possible On Christmas
What do you want for Christmas this year? Collab with crazy_mia and quigglebaby

by garrafa_de_plastico

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