Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 195,354,468 Issue: 845 | 26th day of Collecting, Y20
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword umbrex

Week - 836

The Perils of Mutation
by umbrex
Description: Can't resist the urge

Week - 840

Problems at the Poetry Contest
by umbrex
Description: Oh snap!

Week - 841

Look Like a Faerie Queen in 10 Easy Steps
by umbrex
Description: Everybody in Neopia is familiar with the elegant visage of Queen Fyora. Thousands of years old, Fyora is an extremely powerful faerie and the queen of Faerieland! Recently voted most elegant faerie for the sixtieth consecutive century, it's no wonder so many Neopians express a desire to be just like Fyora.

Week - 844

Happy Month of Collecting
by umbrex
Description: bring on the leaves!

Week - 845

This Pie Tastes of Tears
by umbrex
Description: Life dwindling slowly..

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The Spirit of the Haunted Woods
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