Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,057,485 Issue: 817 | 2nd day of Running, Y20
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword hatsuomi

Week - 813

Grundonia, the Unknown Planet
by hatsuomi
Description: Why every Grundo needs to be adopted? Here's the full story!

Week - 814

The truth behind every regular neopian
by hatsuomi
Description: Struggles of the neopian life...

This is a collaboration with the user Drabkin

Week - 817

Intergalactic Message
by hatsuomi
Description: The story of a pair of grundos

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A Reunion in Meridell
Jhudora hummed softly as she patched a hole in one of her dresses...

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Battle at Sea
The dainty paws’ of the infamous pirate captain Rowan pats against the deck of the faded walnut color of the wooden deck, as she peeks through the clear crystal telescope that fits in her paw perfectly.

by dragonshadez


The Case for HP Increase
Hp increase...

by dfgh5067


Notorious: 5 Random Avatars! (Part 1)
Hey lovely Neopian Times Readers! Is there an avatar you want but you can never seem to have? Well, me too. I believe most of us Neopians who identify as avatars collectors have that one avatar that endlessly eludes us.

by rowdy420


Face the Facts
They do say fact is stranger than fiction.

Also by cloudypoogle and squishable

by rooftopchicken

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