Week - 778
The Retched Pinchit by juggal3tt3j |
Description: “Yo ho ho…A pirate’s life for me!” Arf sang to himself as he finished off his pie.
Also by vbosley |
Week - 779
Snow on Mystery Island by juggal3tt3j |
Description: Kougras originated in Mystery Island, where the weather is always nice, bright, and super sunny. One might be curious how such a tropical species started appearing in the Snow colour, and as it turns out, it is quite the story to tell.
Also by vbosley |
Week - 781
A Guide to Snow Roller by juggal3tt3j |
Description: Keep in mind that with a little practice and a few tips, you have a decent chance of earning a trophy!
Also by vbosley |
Week - 780
Stealing the Stolen by juggal3tt3j |
Description: Even if he did run into Balthazar, Farren wasn’t sure what Stevens meant by turning. Did he think he’d run off to join Balthazar in the faerie hunting business?
Also by vbosley |
Week - 783
Too Good to be True? It's Amazing What Coffee Can Do by wellthatsfantastic |
Description: “You tell someone a certain time and expect them to show up and yet…”
Also by juggal3tt3j |
Week - 784
Doubting Fyora by juggal3tt3j |
Description: “Farren, COME ON!” Brujyh urged his reluctant friend to hurry up. “Fyora Day will be over if you keep this pace!”
Also by wellthatsfantastic |
Week - 785
Battling Von Roo and Coffee Love Part 2 by wellthatsfantastic |
Description: The sun was fully down and the moon shone brightly in all it’s glory. What had caused Brujyh to be out at such a late hour? Well none other than Count Von Roo.
Also by juggal3tt3j |
Week - 786
Grave Danger Delights by juggal3tt3j |
Description: She had to go to the meeting though, otherwise who knows how atrocious the Ball would turn out. They were absolutely dependent on her fine taste in decorating and they’d be utterly lost without her.
Also by wellthatsfantastic |
Week - 789
The Struggle of Long Term Goals by juggal3tt3j |
Description: He decided to be cautious and get a peek from the roof instead of simply answering the door. Yes, this was what he was doing for kicks these days, he thought with a sigh.
Also by vbosley |
Week - 791
Faerieland Folly by wellthatsfantastic |
Description: The Xweetok looked up at the Ice Draik. He gave him a lazy smile. “Are we ready for today?” Also by juggal3tt3j |
Week - 800
The Great Gormball Gala by juggal3tt3j |
Description: The heat of the summer had been unbearable, always feeling like you were in the Lost Desert, so the breeze was most welcomed.
Also by wellthatsfantastic |