Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,775,295 Issue: 794 | 18th day of Hiding, Y19
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword fleohr

Week - 769

Modern Farmer's Daily Life
by fleohr
Description: Those farming games can be tough...

Week - 770

An Unexpected Guest
by fleohr
Description: Nooooo!

Week - 773

An Unexpected Guest (2)
by fleohr
Description: This modern farmer only has virtual pets, so he doesn't have to clean their mess, only giving them food!

Week - 776

Being a baby
by fleohr
Description: Sometimes...

Also by _emanoella_

Week - 780

The Truth Behind the Battleground of the Obelisk: Part 1
by fleohr
Description: And here we have...

Also by waitwut101

Week - 782

The Truth Behind the Battleground of the Obelisk pt2
by fleohr
Description: Hmmm...

Also by waitwut101

Week - 783

Playing Avatar Games! #1
by fleohr
Description: I thought it was only potatoes!

Also by peshada

Week - 789

The Truth Behind Snowbeast Snackrifice
by fleohr
Description: What's happening?

Also by waitwut101

Week - 794

Bad pick up lines
by fleohr
Description: Sky problems...

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Who is the Kiko Ninja?
The truth behind the identity of Niten Hiroru is shrouded in mystery. How did an ordinary citizen of Kiko Lake become one of Neopia’s most mysterious figures in history? What’s his story? Hopefully this two-part series helps to shed some light on that.

by seira0807


Cloudy with a Chance of OH FYORA THE SKY'S FALLING!
But of all the embarrassing and, to be perfectly frank, concerning things that I have done over the years, I believe that nothing will ever top the incident that my friends have taken to calling “The Miamouse Incident.”

by emblo93


Who Says You Need Wings?
Today was different, somehow. A blooming, ripening sensation in his limbs. A sign that he was ready, perhaps.

by flufflepuff

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