Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 194,775,295 Issue: 794 | 18th day of Hiding, Y19
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword ellipses4k

Week - 748

by ellipses4k
Description: Looks aren't everything.

Week - 761

Borovan for Beginners
by ellipses4k
Description: Your average Neopian might know that mixing asparagus and hot chocolate at the Cooking Pot yields Borovan, but there’s so much more to this tasty beverage!

Week - 762

Shearing Day
by ellipses4k
Description: Gnorbu Shearing Day

Week - 771

Free Uni Day Training
by ellipses4k
Description: I got banned...

Week - 774

A Late Chomby Day Gift
by ellipses4k
Description: Darigans don't make great first impressions, but that doesn't mean they can't be sweet

Week - 791

Priorities and Peophins
by ellipses4k
Description: Happy Peophin Day!

Week - 794

Flight of the Elephante
by ellipses4k
Description: A theory on the methods and apparatus of flight in Elephante.

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In the Sky!
Having wings has its perks.

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Look up in the sky!

by happyinengland


Of Pirates, Magical Trinkets and a World's Beginning
Fields, patches of forest and tiny matchbox-like houses drifted by, occasionally obscured by the wispy shroud of clouds...

by ssjelitegirl


Flight of the Elephante
A theory on the methods and apparatus of flight in Elephante.

by ellipses4k


Nuke and Junior - Taking Flight
Teleportation = Nuclear Flying.

by krabbox

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