Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,653,610 Issue: 783 | 26th day of Hunting, Y19
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword andrewo94

Week - 627

Winter Celebration: 12 Backgrounds for the Winter Chills
by andrewo94
Description: The top six neopoint and neocash backgrounds that are sure to keep your pet happy as can be in the snow during the long wait for spring to arrive.

Week - 774

A History of Daily Dare Prizes
by andrewo94
Description: I found it very interesting to look back at how daily prizes have evolved over each edition of the Daily Dare and thought it a fine idea to share my findings in this report. I have also chosen my favorite daily prize from each edition as an added bonus to this article! Now let us take a look back at the history of Daily Dare prizes.

Week - 776

The Most Valuable Prizes from Your Dailies
by andrewo94
Description: In this article, I will go through some of the most valuable and rare items one can win from various dailies and discuss why they are so valuable.

Week - 778

A History of Festival of Neggs Prizes
by andrewo94
Description: While Neopians everywhere have been enjoying this lively celebration for many years, the festival and its prizes have evolved over that time. In this article, I would like to go through the evolution of prizes and prize types for the Festival of Neggs.

Week - 780

The Most Ex-SITE-ing Site Event Trophies
by andrewo94
Description: I have listed these event trophies in no particular order so without further ado, let’s jump right in with our first set of trophies!

Week - 781

How to Become (Or Avoid Becoming) an Ultra Packrat
by andrewo94
Description: There comes a point in every avatar collector’s life that they decide to go through the onerous task of stockpiling items for the Packrat avatar.

Week - 783

Twelve Challenges for Altador Cup XII
by andrewo94
Description: It’s that time of year again! The time of year when Neopians far and wide converge on Altador to compete for their team to take home the coveted Altador Cup.

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The Nitri Cassale Interview
We’re here at the Neopian times again, interviewing your favorite Altador Cup stars. Last time we interviewed Coco Metrone and now today we’re doing a little piece on Nitri Cassale.

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Altador Cup (Q&A: Team Altador)
One of our reporters managed to obtain a rather remarkable opportunity to get the inside scoop of some of the players for this year’s Cup.

by rivera_ice_princess


Adventures of Pompiru: Best of Luck 2
Again? Really?

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Playing Avatar Games! #1
I thought it was only potatoes!

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