Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 194,561,505 Issue: 775 | 31st day of Running, Y19
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword glittery4u

Week - 775

Daily Dare 2017: The (Unfortunate) Return of Chadley
by glittery4u
Description: TNT's announcing the new event, but they forgot to let Abbie know about the new surprise

Also by jinxthebadluckgirl

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The Best and Worst Dressed Gelerts in Neopia!
The most loyal and friendliest creatures in all the lands, with pointy ears and large noses, who else could it be but the Gelert! In honor of Gelert Day, I have for you Neopia’s best and worst dressed Gelerts!

by spukl1


Apple Chia
My bad.

by xsugarush


Shellshock'd! REBORN p4
It's almost time...

by krabbox


Dinner with the Scarlets: Defender Series 3
Ooh, a new trophy!

by june_scarlet


Ilarrah's Inspiration
“Well, of course not. But being a recluse for the rest of time won't help you, either. It's time to try something new. See?” She waved one stitched paw out in front of them, encompassing a wall of cacophony.

by goldmoon_

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