Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 194,568,431 Issue: 773 | 17th day of Running, Y19
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword keruza

Week - 766

A Witty Draik
by keruza
Description: A Draik faces a huge problem when Jhudora steals her necklace.

Week - 767

Why does this always happen?
by keruza
Description: Think before you speak and you might avoid an awkward situation!

Week - 769

Playing Tangram
by keruza
Description: A Nimmo that is not so good at guessing.

Week - 768

Happy Valentine's Day
by keruza
Description: From your secret admirer :)

Week - 770

Pant Devil's weakness
by keruza
Description: Even villains have soft spots.

Week - 771

Pant Devil's Problems
by keruza
Description: Things don't go as expected.

Week - 772

King of Pranks
by keruza
Description: Why so serious?

Week - 773

Feeling Left Out
by keruza
Description: Now that the Charity Corner is over, how's the Money Tree doing?

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Be Careful What You Wish For...
Well that was too easy

Also by frankie8492

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Return to Lynwood: Part Four
A few of Isengrim’s thanes let out low growls at the Kougra, which Suhel cut short with a motion of her paw. Pharazon stared hard at the woman, his blue eyes narrowing. Although Lexora looked like she wanted to pass out, she finally said, “C-Caradoc?! I thought I’d never see you again! When you left for the Woods and never came back—we all assumed the worst!”

by cosmicfire918


Volcano Running With Glubgar
In celebration of Scorchio Day, I've taken the time to sit down with one of the most famous of the species: Glubgar.

by auraphic


Old Friend
She hadn’t seen Ilere in at least three centuries. Granted, Fyora was never obligated to visit all faeries for Thanksgiving dinner or anything, but even if she was she had a sinking feeling that Ilere wouldn’t want to see her anyway.

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The Runaway Child Who Actually Helped Out
While her three sisters were squabbling, Walda ran out the door in search of chocolate. No scorching blaze would ever stop her from getting the sweet, sugary taste. She arrived in Sakhmet and made her way through the crowd until she reached the Food Stall. She put her small amount of pocket money down on the table and asked the Shopkeeper, "Do you have any chocolate?"

by _brainchild_

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