Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,549,696 Issue: 772 | 10th day of Running, Y19
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword seraphfire

Week - 715

The Truth of the Space Techos
by seraphfire
Description: It was a hot Tyrannian afternoon when I, the aspiring new reporter, David the Mynci, was interviewing the various factions of the Battleground about the secret society pulling the strings behind Neopian society. That's right, I was asking them about the Space Techos.

Week - 772

The King of Qasala
by seraphfire
Description: He looked out the window, and saw the sun rising over Qasala. Just as the dawn passed over his kingdom, a thought had dawned on him. He could learn light magic, the magic of the sun and goodness and life. If his father ever returned, he could defeat him using these powers, and prevent risking his return to corruption from needing to once again fight fire with fire.

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Anneslace Gets the Royal Treatment
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The Newen House: Royalty
Even royals have responsibilities.

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Somewhere, in that untouched dust, somewhere a pilgrim wandered in search of Coltzan’s Shrine or Qasala’s lost riches, or…something. Some treasure. Some beautiful treasure hidden in Neopia.

by emblo93


An Interview with Ex Altador Cup Players
So, I was sitting at my house in Faerieland and I wondered. Where are those players who used to play in the Altador Cup? What about their lives? Do they plan to make a comeback?

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Inside the Neopian History: Leaders of All Time
Neopia has countless of leaders: from Governors to Kings and Queens, all of them rule their land with passion and strength. If you want to know a little more about them, just keep reading!

by maga_m

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