Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 194,397,092 Issue: 764 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y19
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Week - 764

Last at the Training School
by kazemas
Description: zzzzzzzzzz

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Great stories!


Balthazar Reborn
As soon as his breaths had turned into the gentle wheezes of dreamers, I knew it was time. The moon bore witness to my fleeting figure, noting without emotion my attempts to keep as quiet as I could as I tiptoed out of the room. It saw me find what I was looking for, and offered a handful of moonbeams to aid my inspections. I accepted them, though they turned out to be unnecessary. I’d already known it’d be perfect.

by sampleneopian


Fishing Tales
Answering the #1 question of the reason we have so much junk in our Safety Deposit Boxes!

by x_mystichorse_x


Eleven Signs of Neopian Times Addiction
From the peaks of Terror Mountain to the jungles of Mystery Island, each week Neopians everywhere rush to get their copy so they can read insightful articles, enjoy sidesplitting comics, get lost in beautifully written short stories, and stay informed with questions in the latest editorial. These are Neopian Times fanatics, and that’s why we’re here today!

Also by drobit

by bha288


How To Celebrate Sloth Day
As we all know, the 14th day of Sleeping is dedicated to the greatest, most evilest (and handsomest!) villain in all of Neopia – the great Dr. Sloth! With thousands of forced Grundo minions and crazed fans, what can YOU do to set yourself apart and celebrate this devilishly good-looking evil scientist?

by butterflybandage


So You Lost it All On the Wheel of Extravagance
All you wanted was some exotic fruits or bread to spice up dinner; one minute you’re making a beeline for Qasalan Delights, telling yourself, out loud, over and over, this time he isn’t going to get you - and the very next thing you know, you’re letting go of the side of the wheel, chanting BIG MONEY BIG MONEY as it spins before you, that darn Tonu laughing at your naivete as he greedily counts a bag full of your hard-earned neopoints, more than you should even be carrying in the first place.

by rhosymedre

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