Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,397,092 Issue: 764 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y19
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword grimmbones7

Week - 751

Just Another Day
by grimmbones7
Description: I walked in to the bank with Archie as I do every day. I collected my daily interest, waved to the Skeith, and walked out the door. As I turned the corner to go check my shop till, I noticed a forlorn looking Kadoatie. Archie leaned down and the little Kadoatie wandered over and mewed.

Week - 754

The Dinner
by grimmbones7
Description: It was a dreary day. Alfred hobbled across the Neopia Central path and waved to the Money Tree. He unlocked the Post Office and began dusting his collections. He picked up his favourite framed photo and gently dusted it off. He went through his daily routine of signing off on shipments and organizing his stock. Whenever a happy, plucky customer came in Alfred put on a smile and helped them find what they needed.

Also by ___popo___

Week - 761

Mischief Managed: Part One
by grimmbones7
Description: Once upon a time there a little Kau named Kauvara. She decided to throw a slumber party for the neighbourhood kids with her friend Tarla the Ixi. They spent the afternoon making handwritten invitations adorned with ribbons, sparkles, and cute little petpets. Then they dropped them at all their friend’s houses after dinner.

Also by ___popo___

Week - 762

Mischief Managed
by grimmbones7
Description: Frank ran and ran until he couldn’t breathe and he saw stars. He put his hands on his knees and took some deep breaths. Why are you so clumsy Frank? Why can’t you just be normal like the other kids?” he chided himself.

Also by ___popo___

Week - 764

by grimmbones7
Description: “SLOTH! SLOTH! SLOTH!” the deformed Grundos chanted. “As you can see.. The Space Faerie can no longer protect Neopia as she is a little under the weather. So from now on I am the ruler of the Neopian universe,” Sloth said. Without any further word he dropped the mic and walked out.

Also by pikachewz

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