Week - 158
SQUAD Squadron: First Mission -- Part Three by cosmicfire918 |
Description: As Fenris padded into Mumbo Pango’s hut, Misty
felt the slightest twinge of nervousness, but shook it off. She had asked to
go on this mission, and she wasn’t going to go back to Faerieland until she
had seen everything through. |
Week - 161
Brightvale: The Next Darigan Citadel? by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Surely the discovery of this new land heralds a new age for Neopia…AN AGE OF DARKNESS
Week - 168
Let There Be Lighten: Part One by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Because she was quite bored, Antikia decided to pass the time by doing
a little spell a visiting Light Faerie had taught her back on her island... |
Week - 169
Let There Be Lighten: Part Two by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Antikia was sure that, if she could see Samuel's
eyes, they would have been as big as Pinannas. |
Week - 175
The Day I Taught at Neoschool by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "'Dear cosmicfire918,
our resident art teacher, Mr. Lupid, has just informed us that he has come down
with a sudden case of NeoFlu and will need to stay home tomorrow to recuperate..." |
Week - 180
Castle Battle Craziness by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Good as new!
Written by tdyans |
Week - 200
A Noteworthy Adventure: Part One by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "I read a little bit of it, it's got a bunch
of cool adventure stories," TK said. "I thought you might like it." |
Week - 201
A Noteworthy Adventure: Part Two by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Gai and I rounded
a small hill and saw a cluster of lights. By that time, my legs were screaming
for rest, but I just kept telling them that we had to get to a safe place to sleep... |
Week - 202
A Noteworthy Adventure: Part Three by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Sitting lazily on a large, golden
throne was an Alien Aisha, a crown perched precariously on top of his bubble-like
space helmet... |
Week - 202
Fifty Reasons Why Pirates Pwn Thieves by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Pirates pwn thieves. Without further ado, here’s fifty absolutely logical and
un-debatable reasons why. |
Week - 211
The Ensorcellator by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "Average classes, average lunch--" Blynn was
cut off by a sudden cold, wet feeling on her fur. She looked down, aghast, to
see that someone had knocked her bottle of cherry juice into her lap. "Average
bullies…" |
Week - 215
Neopian Insanity by cosmicfire918 |
Description: So, you got zapped Darigan...
Also by emmybug184 |
Week - 219
Neopian Insanity by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Next Level: Puree.
Also by emmybug184 |
Week - 221
Neopian Insanity by cosmicfire918 |
Description: HELP!!
Also by emmybug184 |
Week - 229
Neopian Insanity by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Fiddlesticks!
Also by emmybug184 |
Week - 230
Neopian Insanity by cosmicfire918 |
Description: I can't use this!
Also by emmybug184 |
Week - 232
Neopian Insanity by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Uh oh...
Also by emmybug184 |
Week - 234
Neopian Insanity by cosmicfire918 |
Description: And for dessert...
Also by emmybug184 |
Week - 235
Fruity Adventures! by barhoom80 |
Description: Have you ever wondered if Royal Lupes are vegetarians or not?!?!?
Art by cosmicfire918 |
Week - 594
The Zafara Who Would Be Mayor by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "Unruly behaviour on the streets will not be tolerated," he sighed. "Miscreants will be... given candy." |
Week - 596
Squid Slippers by cosmicfire918 |
Description: A little light reading. |
Week - 599
Squid Slippers by cosmicfire918 |
Description: But I like being a Ruki! |
Week - 600
Squid Slippers by cosmicfire918 |
Description: WHOOOO |
Week - 601
Squid Slippers: A House Divided by cosmicfire918 |
Description: I just don't get what's so great.... |
Week - 605
Squid Slippers - Secrets of the Ice Powerup by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Huh, what's this? |
Week - 608
Squid Slippers - Grundo Fanatic by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Why do you become a raging maniac? |
Week - 610
Draik Expectations: Part One by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "Because," Pharazon stood up a little straighter and puffed out his chest, "today's the day I'm going to become a Brightvale scholar." |
Week - 611
Draik Expectations: Part Two by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Pharazon's ears drooped as he looked up at the enormous stack of parchment that had been set in front of him with a hefty whumph! |
Week - 623
The Best of Friends by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "One Golden Juppie Delight, comin' up!" The Meerca began puttering about, once again humming as she worked. |
Week - 625
There's No Place Like Qasala for the Holidays by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Jazan massaged his forehead, leaning over the card-strewn table in exasperation as Nabile erupted into a fit of laughter beside him. "Why do I always lose at this game?" he groaned, adding the pile to his hand of twenty cards. |
Week - 627
Worth Fighting For: Part One by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "Oh, this will be the greatest Grundo Independence Day Hyren's ever known!" |
Week - 628
Worth Fighting For: Part Two by cosmicfire918 |
Description: He'd been in wilderness survival situations before, on other worlds. The only thing different about this was that it was only him this time, no troops to command... |
Week - 629
Worth Fighting For: Part Three by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "We don't do this for the money," Terra replied, a little shortly. "We're explorers. We find things just to find them." |
Week - 630
Worth Fighting For: Part Four by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "So that's when the Space Fungus started swarming our ship!" They had to have been walking for at least an hour, now, but Hyren was nowhere near running out of stories. |
Week - 631
Worth Fighting For: Part Five by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "We can camp as soon as we get outside," she attempted to compromise. "Please, please. I just..." She clasped her hands. "I just need to get out of here." |
Week - 632
Worth Fighting For: Part Six by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "That's the biggest Lyins I've ever seen!" Blynn exclaimed, nocking a piece of ammo in her slingshot and taking aim... |
Week - 633
Worth Fighting For: Part Seven by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "Why did you leave her by herself?!" Hyren demanded to know. "Me?! You're one to talk!" Blynn spat in retort... |
Week - 634
Worth Fighting For: Part Eight by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Hyren exhaled, placing a hand on his chest. "That way," he urged Blynn, prompting her to sidle off of the crates in the direction of the cliff edge, which was hidden by a labyrinth of terraces and roofs. |
Week - 635
Worth Fighting For: Part Nine by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "What's a starship doing in the Haunted Woods?" |
Week - 636
Worth Fighting For: Part Ten by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "You doin' okay, big guy?"
Hyren let out an irritated snort and made the slightest gesture with his chin toward the security camera in the corner. |
Week - 637
Worth Fighting For: Part Eleven by cosmicfire918 |
Description: He was in a very small room—no, a cell, he surmised. The walls were dark and bare, the sound of distant mechanical humming coming from somewhere below him. |
Week - 638
Worth Fighting For: Part Twelve by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Hyren brought his sword back for a sweeping strike and it clanged against Garoo's weapon. The two locked blades... |
Week - 630
The Editor's Quill by parody_ham |
Description: Editing is a difficult skill to master, but an important skill to have.
Co-written and thumbnail by cosmicfire918 |
Week - 639
That Great Hunger by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Isengrim pawed through the undergrowth, the scent lingering in his nostrils. |
Week - 642
Danse Macabre by cosmicfire918 |
Description: For a few brief days in Meridell, she was beautiful. For one shining moment in her life, she was the Court Dancer. |
Week - 647
The Gourmand's Guide to Fine Neopian Dining: Shenkuu by cosmicfire918 |
Description: With its ancient history and rich cultural traditions, this awe-inspiring land of mountains and mist, philosophers and fancy robes has a plethora of regional culinary specialties to pick and choose from. |
Week - 650
Rejection Letters by cosmicfire918 |
Description: It is with utmost and sincerest apology that I, King Jazan of Qasala, write to you to beg forgiveness for my utterly untoward acts in the last half of Year 7. |
Week - 653
Event Horizon by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Commander Hyren's bare feet compacted the starch-fine layer of sooty dust covering the desolate planetoid, tagged in his helmet's heads-up display only as Calixto Sigma-3204... |
Week - 659
Twenty-Four Hours by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "What the..." The Grundo sat up to see who had sawed off half of his bed while he was asleep—and it promptly collapsed underneath him. |
Week - 663
Worth Searching For: Part One by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "Look out!" With a whistle and a bang, fireworks shot through the narrow alleyway. |
Week - 664
Worth Searching For: Part Two by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Hyren felt like his stomach had dropped to his stubby blue knees. "Terra? Terra!" he shouted, not bothering to disguise the panic in his tone. |
Week - 665
Worth Searching For: Part Three by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "Hyren, we have to land!" Blynn screamed over a crash of thunder. |
Week - 666
Worth Searching For: Part Four by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Hyren drifted in and out of sleep for the rest of the day, being vaguely cognisant of things like Anshu treating his wounds or the Ruki doctor having conversations with Blynn, who seemed to be less injured. |
Week - 667
Worth Searching For: Part Five by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "Wake up," Isengrim said, gently shaking her shoulder. "It is time for the feast in your honour." |
Week - 668
Worth Searching For: Part Six by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Terra was beginning to wonder if the sun even existed any more. |
Week - 669
Worth Searching For: Part Seven by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Pharazon didn't dare blink, afraid that once he closed his eyes, the magic would break and the fruits floating above his head would crash down on him. |
Week - 670
Worth Searching For: Part Eight by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "Skoll, where are we going?" Pharazon trudged down the steep-sided forest path after his Werelupe mentor... |
Week - 671
Worth Searching For: Part Nine by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Roberta's directions proved to be far more helpful than she'd predicted. Hyren, Blynn, Celice, and Gwyneth found the turnoff easily, and by nightfall they'd begun to make their way up into the wooded mountains. |
Week - 672
Worth Searching For: Part Ten by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Terra screamed and Hyren felt like he'd been punched in the gut. "No!" He started forward, drawing his sword, with Terra close on his heels. |
Week - 673
Worth Searching For: Part Eleven by cosmicfire918 |
Description: The Werelupes arrived at dusk. |
Week - 674
Worth Searching For: Part Twelve by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Gwyneth banked overhead, a familiar Disco Zafara on her back, slingshot loaded. "Thought I'd find you here!" Blynn shouted... |
Week - 678
Roll for Initiative by cosmicfire918 |
Description: It was a crisp Storing evening in Altador, and it was raining, and Dark_breed_Hyren was doing his best not to catch a cold. |
Week - 682
The Gourmand's Guide to Neopian Dining: Meridell by cosmicfire918 |
Description: While bearing a cursory resemblance to the baseline cuisine of Neopia Central, due to historical ties between the two regions, Meridell's cultural differences have lent a distinct flavour to its traditional foodstuffs. |
Week - 686
A Real Class Act by cosmicfire918 |
Description: It was one of those beautiful spring days where nothing is supposed to go wrong. |
Week - 688
The Nature of the Beast by cosmicfire918 |
Description: The Werelupe King and his owner were watching the sunset. This was not an unusual occurrence—Isengrim spent many an evening like this during his visits to Terra’s Altadorian villa. It had become their tradition, and Isengrim found comfort in traditions, especially in a world that didn’t bother to offer him much more. |
Week - 698
Dances With Werelupes: Part One by cosmicfire918 |
Description: “This is an outrage!” Blynn679 backhanded the front page of the Neopian Times. The Disco Zafara’s magenta tail lashed behind her in frustration as she paced around the library of her family’s Altador villa. Her Faerie Draik brother edged over her shoulder to look at the headlines. “What’s an outrage?” ArPharazonTheGolden asked. “This!” Blynn pointed to the largest text on the page: PREPARATIONS FOR ANNUAL CHOCOLATE BALL UNDERWAY. |
Week - 699
Dances With Werelupes: Part Two by cosmicfire918 |
Description: The Werelupe King peeked his snout over Terra’s shoulder. “Lady Illusen…” he grumbled. “I was not expecting to see you here.” “The sentiment is mutual,” the Faerie said, folding her arms and tilting her head, looking down at him like a disapproving parent. |
Week - 706
Squid Slippers: Foster Frustrations by cosmicfire918 |
Description: That's better. |
Week - 715
Shopkeepers: The Truth Behind the Counter by cosmicfire918 |
Description: And then I did a double-take. Because the shopkeeper was none other than Fyora herself. Her Royal Faerie Highness was standing there behind the counter, waving as I left the store dumbstruck. What was the Faerie Queen doing tending a small shop in Altador, waiting for passers-by to peruse her employer’s selection of partially-eaten omelettes? |
Week - 717
Never Again, Spiced Apple Pie: Part One by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Grundo’s Café was as busy as ever. The canteen on the recreation deck of the Virtupets Space Station held a myriad of Neopets unwrapping their rehydrated Chicken Dumplings and carefully nibbling their Electric Nachos. Wall-mounted screens showed the latest in news and entertainment from around the galaxy, including an interview with some Alien Aisha musicians and the latest strike on Sloth’s forces on some far-flung world. |
Week - 718
Never Again, Spiced Apple Pie: Part Two by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Commander Hyren knew he at least couldn’t secure the base from here. Suppressing a moan, he moved for the door and it slid open to reveal a darkened, deserted hallway. If engineering wasn’t going to answer, he’d just have to go to them himself. |
Week - 719
Never Again, Spiced Apple Pie: Part Three by cosmicfire918 |
Description: A wriggling pink mass of Space Fungus splayed its tentacles into the control room, bowling over Hyren. He almost got sick right there, but he forced himself to keep his composure and complete the roll, springing back up to punch away a tentacle and wrestle several more. |
Week - 722
The Scrivener's Survey by cosmicfire918 |
Description: This Scrivener has come out of anonymity to share with all of Neopia, via the Times, the inside scoop on books I’ve read! For truth! For justice! For informed book buying! (And also because the Defenders of Neopia, in no uncertain terms, told me to switch to a more “conventional” method of spreading literary information. When Judge Hog speaks, you listen.) |
Week - 727
Wildsong by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Night in the Haunted Woods falls with swiftness upon its victims. It is not as many stories say—the forest is not rife with yowling spooks and ghoulish spectres at every turn. It is not a scaled-up version of a Neopia Central Neohome’s Halloween decorations, which brashly proclaim frightfulness in the most colourful of fashions. |
Week - 728
Squid Slippers: Meteor Mysteries by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Wheeeeee! |
Week - 729
Squid Slippers: HP Hassles by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Talk about playing favourites... |
Week - 731
Squid Slippers: Pick Your Own Pitfalls by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Uh, did it really even need to be asked? |
Week - 732
Sloth's Daily Dare by cosmicfire918 |
Description: He never realized games were so fun! Also by ruben160 |
Week - 736
Afternoons at Exquisite Ambrosia by cosmicfire918 |
Description: A few weeks before the Altador Cup, before the mass migration of spectators, the teams themselves quietly slip into the city to gear up for the tournament. They train in the stadium and discuss logistics and regulations with the Altador Cup Committee—and when they need some downtime, they head to Exquisite Ambrosia. |
Week - 739
Create Your Own Adventure by cosmicfire918 |
Description: I always suspected that my Grundo had a sadistic streak. Years of serving as a commander in Dr. Sloth’s galactic marine corps will probably do that to you. But my hunch was confirmed the day Dark_breed_Hyren brought home an Adventure Generator. |
Week - 741
Farewell to Lynwood by cosmicfire918 |
Description: From the moment Suhel Caradoc laid eyes on the Lynwood School for Girls, she knew she did not belong there. he little Christmas-coloured Lupe poked out her snout from the window of her carriage, eyeing the grounds with distaste. |
Week - 743
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part One by cosmicfire918 |
Description: The reason he’d gotten himself into this, ArPharazonTheGolden decided, was because he could never say “no” to anything. The Faerie Draik perched on the edge of the bed in his cabin in a Shenkuuvian sky-ship, staring at the letter in his claws, not really seeing the words so much as coming to the realisation that he was hopelessly wishy-washy. |
Week - 744
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Two by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Five days later, on a grey drizzly afternoon, Pharazon stepped off the gangplank of the sky-ship liner and into Brightvale’s bustling skyport. He pulled the hood of his travelling cloak closer around his face to protect himself from the chill air, watching his breath pool in front of his snout every time he exhaled. |
Week - 745
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Three by cosmicfire918 |
Description: The augurs were right—the next day was still overcast and cold, but the clouds looked much less likely to rain as Celice rented a carriage to take them to Market Town. |
Week - 746
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Four by cosmicfire918 |
Description: It really was like stepping into another world. The thick wall behind them muffled the sounds of the city, leaving the ruins eerily silent. Overgrown thickets of brush carpeted the ground, and gnarled old trees, their bare branches devoid of the slightest hint of spring, pushed their roots against cracked stone like they were attempting to escape from their wretched prison. |
Week - 747
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Five by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Pharazon opened his eyes to cold daylight. Above him stretched tangled, budding tree branches, and past them a cloudy sky. He had no idea what he was doing lying on a muddy forest floor. Where was he? |
Week - 748
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Six by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Pharazon didn’t know how long he had slept, but it was still night when he found himself suddenly awake. The fire was still going and he was warm enough—what had roused him was a deep and incoherent mumbling. |
Week - 749
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Seven by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Kass merely stood by, looking utterly confused, while Celice’s jaw was slack with astonishment. “Pharazon—“ she sputtered. “Are you quite sure you know what you’re doing?” He grinned in embarrassment. “I told you already, I’m not quite sure of anything. I’m just doing what feels right instead of waiting around for fear to drive my actions.” |
Week - 750
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Eight by cosmicfire918 |
Description: This was the longest Pharazon could ever recall walking. His feet hurt. He’d tried flying until his wings hurt, but his feet hadn’t stopped hurting by then, and walking took less energy anyway. The hunger didn’t help. Their breakfast that morning, while kind of Kass to retrieve for them, had not been satiating, and Pharazon’s stomach began to complain loudly, as did Celice’s. |
Week - 751
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Nine by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Pharazon had no idea what to say. This was the moment he and Celice had been dreading, and although Pharazon had put on a brave front earlier, now that it was actually happening, the only thing he could think of to do was, perhaps, hide under the bed. But fear kept him rooted to the spot. |
Week - 752
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Ten by cosmicfire918 |
Description: As the carriage passed over the bridge and through the city gates, Pharazon shuddered. The dark energy here was so thick that it seemed to dim the very sunlight. Even Neopets on the streets seemed to at least notice something wasn’t right, as they went about their day looking anxious and harried |
Week - 753
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Eleven by cosmicfire918 |
Description: Pharazon’s breath caught in his throat and he felt a pang of emotion run through him. This felt overwhelmingly right. Quietly, he crept across the rug toward the figure. |
Week - 759
Family Matters by cosmicfire918 |
Description: “The theme of this year’s Games Master Challenge,” he read, “is ‘Heroes versus Villains’. The captain of Team Heroes is King Jazan the Fourth, Ruler of Qasala, Emperor of the Shadowed Sands, Master Sorcerer and Maven of Curses. The captain of Team Villains is… to be determined?!” |
Week - 761
The Holly and the Ivy: Part One by cosmicfire918 |
Description: "If you get too cold you’ll fall into torpor, and you won’t wake up ‘til Running.”
“Running?! But I’ll sleep right through Giving Day!” That was all the incentive Nan needed to stay in their little cottage until the snows stopped. And that was how winter went in the little hamlet of Caxton Bank, nestled in the foothills of the Werelupe Woods.
Most years, anyway. |