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Issue: 751 | 30th day of Gathering, Y18 |
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An Uprising of Sweepers: Part Two The town, though small is separated out into four different areas. The town centre faces the sea, in between its North and South sections. Towards the East, and surrounding it is a forest which spans for miles. It is through this forest that many use its ways to get to other parts of the region in those days.
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Chasing Treasure: Part Two Midnight came. Midnight went. Half past midnight came and went. At seventeen minutes to one, Sam appeared, bow tie hanging untied around his neck and shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
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The Snow Faerie's Quest: Part Two Sammy and Jack exchanged a nervous glance. “We’ll find you an Orange Negg for the Negg Faerie, don’t worry, Taelia,” Sammy reassured her, and watched as she closed the door in front of them. Sammy turned to his friend. “Even Taelia knows about the Snowager,” he said.
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