teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 194,228,482 Issue: 750 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y18
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword sacados

Week - 599

99+ Problems & They're All Lenny Conundrums (Part 1)
by minnesotan
Description: In honor of the upcoming 500th Lenny Conundrum, we will walk you through the solutions to all of the puzzles from the past two years.

Also by sacados

Week - 600

99+ Problems & They're All Lenny Conundrums (Part 2)
by minnesotan
Description: Last week we looked at the solutions from Lenny Conundrum rounds 400-451. This week, we've explained the solutions from rounds 452-495...

Also by sacados

Week - 705

Halloween Costume Ideas: 11 Spooky Characters
by sacados
Description: It's that time of year again: the night seems a little bit darker, the air seems a little bit colder, and pets are dressing up in costumes to celebrate Halloween.Without further ado, here are 12 famous spooky characters that make some of the trendiest Halloween costumes this year.

Also by 1_ricky_1

Week - 706

The Auction
by sacados
Description: Serena the Shoyru nervously clutched her bag. It contained exactly 12,000 Neopoints—her entire summer savings. It was the last day of vacation and she had come to the Auction House with her best friend, Callie, in hopes of buying something new and exciting. But the sun was sinking lower in the sky, the crowds around the Auction House were starting to thin out, and Serena had not spent any of her Neopoints yet.

Week - 707

The Faerie Queen
by sacados
Description: “I think I see a castle up ahead…we’re almost there!”

Lacey squealed with excitement. She was finally going to Faerieland! It had always been Lacey’s dream to visit Faerieland, and now it was being made possible thanks to her class field trip.

Week - 750

The Snow Faerie's Quest: Part One
by sacados
Description: Suddenly, he saw a blur of white coming his way. He ducked his head, and Jack’s launched snowball went right over him. “Ha! You can’t hit me, either!” Sammy smirked. He turned over to where Jack was standing, expecting another snowball to come his way, but instead there was a look of dismay on his face.

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Interview with Ursula, Famed Gormball Player
I’m especially thrilled today because I had the great privilege earlier this week of speaking with one of Neopia’s most talented Gormball players, Ursula the Usul. Ursula, a dedicated Gormball player since the first Annual Gormball Championships in Year 2, is well-known among fans and fellow players alike for her commitment and consistency.

by a_ramsell


Chasing Treasure: Part One
"Well, what did you expect?" Bannok asked, adjusting the helm a degree or two to starboard to catch the shifting wind. "Royal pets. Always got to outdo each other, building bigger palaces and throwing fancier parties." The timbers of the Silver Arkmite creaked as she swung around, the salt-soaked ropes slapping against the mast as the sails filled.

by aethelar


A Strange Necessity
Nothing remarkable, or noteworthy. She could—and did—live with that. It was fulfilling, and the kindness she received in turn made it worth all her while. Which made the golden ticket in her paws all the more strange.

by drifbilim


Interviewing the White Weewoo
749 issues of the Neopian Times have come and gone, and this petpet has seen them all.

by scechoi


Ink: Dark Contrast - Part 4
No comment. No comment!

by june_scarlet

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