Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,963,135 Issue: 728 | 15th day of Eating, Y18
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword mbredboy31

Week - 699

NeoPaper: Attack of the Socks
by mbredboy31
Description: Battledome powers gone wrong.

Week - 701

NeoPaper: Envelope Shortage
by mbredboy31
Description: When you're out of envelopes, you have to get creative...

Week - 710

NeoPaper: Bored, Bored, Bored!
by mbredboy31
Description: What on Neopia could possibly relieve our boredom?

Week - 711

NeoPaper: Customizeable Salad
by mbredboy31
Description: Hey, they worked hard on that!

Week - 714

NeoPaper: No Neoschool?
by mbredboy31
Description: Should've learned that by now...

Week - 715

NeoPaper: Symol Logic
by mbredboy31
Description: Who writes the rules, anyway?

Week - 716

NeoPaper: A Trip on Mystery Island
by mbredboy31
Description: Well, that's one kind of trip...

Week - 717

NeoPaper: Loofah!
by mbredboy31
Description: Aww, isn't it cute?

Week - 721

NeoPaper: Question We All Wondered About
by mbredboy31
Description: Well, now you know!

Week - 723

Nan and the Night's Message
by mbredboy31
Description: Nan, a Green Xweetok, could not sleep. It was late, for sure; everyone else in the Neohome was fast asleep. Nan herself had gotten a little bit of sleep, but now she was awake again. Why was she awake? She did not quite know for herself, but she did feel like she was called to a task other than sleeping. She quietly opened the window and snuck out.

Week - 724

Thoughts of a Pair of Edible Pets
by mbredboy31
Description: Robin the Ixi and his adopted sister Sunset the Zafara, a pair of pets living a forest near Shenkuu, sat in a cave, watching the rain outside. Their suburban section of Shenkuu containing their owner's Neohome was not far from there and the rainfall was comparatively light; most pets would have simply braved the weather.

Week - 726

Venn and the Isolated Island: Part One
by mbredboy31
Description: It was yet another average morning for Venn, a Camouflage Gelert. He climbed out of bed, stretched, put on his brown shorts and yellow scarf, and headed to the Neohome's dining room for breakfast. There they ate the typical Neopian meal, consisting mainly of omelets and jelly. After this came probably the most suspenseful part of the day: the journey to the Secret Laboratory, where Venn would be zapped.

Week - 727

Venn and the Isolated Island: Part Two
by mbredboy31
Description: The weather became increasingly stormy. The ship's path was one that passed through the outside of the massive storm surrounding Lutari Island; few ships took this course. The whole reason Lana went on this trip, aside from acting as the ship's engine mechanic, was to study the mysterious storm, for she wanted to someday visit it.

Week - 728

NeoPaper: Grenegg?!
by mbredboy31
Description: Of course it's a great idea!

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