Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 194,767,701 Issue: 710 | 11th day of Celebrating, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword likelife96

Week - 669

Shattering Darkness
by likelife96
Description: Once, his people called him Lord Darigan. They used to be prosperous, happy, knowing nothing of war or disease or the thousands of things that plagued the world...

Week - 701

The Advisor's Test
by likelife96
Description: Chantelle fiddled with the bonds around her wrists, listening to their rusted squeaks as each individual chain link scraped against the other. The footfalls of the Eyrie guard behind her echoed through the desolate halls of the citadel’s palace. His armor clanked with every step.

Week - 710

Duplicity: Part One
by likelife96
Description: Jeran sat slumped over the throne. Before him, Meridellians and Darigans commemorated the fifth year of peace since the war, a peace that would last a thousand years. They spoke and danced under azure faerie light, alongside the finest music Meridell had to offer. Odors of baked goods, exotic fruits, and well-done meats saturated the air.

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Chihiro versus Neopia #1

by notquitesanitary


Anniversary - Part 11
Bad, Tomos. It's back to Kleptomaniacs Anonymous with you.

by caylista


Holiday Worthy Backgrounds
How fun! A list of Winter Themed Backgrounds.

by oliviagy


Duplicity: Part One
Jeran sat slumped over the throne. Before him, Meridellians and Darigans commemorated the fifth year of peace since the war, a peace that would last a thousand years. They spoke and danced under azure faerie light, alongside the finest music Meridell had to offer. Odors of baked goods, exotic fruits, and well-done meats saturated the air.

by likelife96


It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
It’s Christmas in Neopia and you can feel the excitement in the air. Shops are stocking seasonal goodies, pets are bundling up in their finest seasonal wear, and people are excitedly visiting the advent calendar. It truly is Christmas in Neopia.

by katehoughtonbeckett

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