Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,523,354 Issue: 695 | 21st day of Hiding, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword globetrekker

Week - 675

I'll Take Your Word For It
by globetrekker
Description: Are you sure that's not what you meant?

Week - 676

Another Day, Another Sack of Neopoints
by globetrekker
Description: I'm not taking any chances!

Week - 695

by globetrekker
Description: It's a crazy Neopian world out there.

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Snazzy-ish: Haven't Seen Her Around...
Is anyone else guilty of always forgetting their petpet in Grave Danger?

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The Sorceress and the Prisoner: Part Seven
Master Vex paced up and down the cold dungeon. A drip of water persistently hit his head, but he was used to this as he walked this walk every morning and every night. He had been doing so for the past twenty years; nothing was new anymore.

by dudeiloled


The Secret Life of a Weak Bottled Faerie
Weak Bottle Faeries - pet owners of Neopia think nothing of us, really. In our home, we can’t send you on quests or wait for you in a beautiful glade. Sure, we bless you with a special power that can help in battle, and be a really good night light when it gets dark. But for the most part, we simply sit, wait, and wish to be uncorked

For the most part.

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You Break It, You Buy It
He seems so nice, until...

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Princesses, Palaces and Pranks
Cadria was not your average Aisha. Born into one of Neopia’s most powerful families, Cadria was the heiress to a small fortune, and the hefty expectations accompanying such wealth. Yet, Cadria was not your average rich Aisha either. Cadria, much to the exasperation of her high-flying parents, was rather, well… difficult.

by pepper_imp

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