Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,402,800 Issue: 688 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword morganjoisle

Week - 688

Customization Quest
by morganjoisle
Description: It's a tough life being invisible...

Idea by Chusker

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Great stories!


Interview with The Cup Player
It’s Altador Cup time in Neopia! For the thousands of fans who attend, this month is the best part of the year. But what do our players think of the fanbase? I, Haibara, have set out to interview players from each team and ask their opinions.

by parody_ham


The Alien Aisha Avenger and Orp the Oracular, Vol. 1
Not too far away from the Necola machine is Cafe Kreludor, and not far away from that is what at first appears to be a nondescript building. It's somewhat small, and there's a dome on top of the building with a telescope. It's pointed directly at the Kreludan Mining Corp, or more specifically S750 Kreludan Defender Robot.

Art by spiffy_kitty

by crazy_holly_ii


Detective Alisha: Sparky is Missing! 6
Tiki Tack... in goes the Detective!

by roxanna203


Poogles & Giggles
Just for Poogles and Giggles

by lizzbear_


Lord Dark Noirgus' concert- In a Nutshell
Ah, music to my ears

by gorubeza

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