Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 192,769,819 Issue: 661 | 5th day of Gathering, Y16
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword sugarypixiestix2

Week - 350

My Top 10 Tips to Get Into the Caption Contest
by sugarypixiestix2
Description: So, you like the Caption Contest? You think it is the bee's knees, the Elephante's instep or the cat's pajamas?! It is your ultimate goal in Neopia to win it?! Wow. Okay, calm down...

Week - 652

What Jhudora Doesn't Want You to Know
by comawhite333
Description: Shh...

Also by sugarypixiestix2

Week - 661

Captain Limebeard Should Be in the Gallery of Heroes
by sugarypixiestix2
Description: You may also be wondering what he does for the greater good of Neopia. I shall answer this and much, much more, my friends.

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Bread and Butter

by _epiphany_


The Ten Avatars You Should Never Use
Your avatar and font choice are crucial to making a good first impression.

Also by caitit

by dogglefoxgirl


Welcome to Neopets: A Guide to Success!
Welcome to Neopets! I'm sorry you got sucked in. It's okay, though: Time to make your account pretty!

Also by choquis

by hideri


133984: Let Them Eat Cake, part 4

by lycaonpictus77


Turning the Art Gallery Into a Dream Come True
Entering the Art Gallery could just be your thing.

by leopardsymptoms

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