White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 192,473,754 Issue: 648 | 6th day of Relaxing, Y16
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword jarm9

Week - 479

by jarm9
Description: "No! My idea was getting a long winning streak! Making my owner proud of me! But then you come and beat me!"

Week - 482

The Early Days
by jarm9
Description: Even if she didn't want to admit it, she remembered the early days. They were foggyish, but still there.

Week - 483

by jarm9
Description: Them Guhnorbus are fluffeh.

Week - 557

With Intelligence Comes Ignorance
by jarm9
Description: "Wait, you're telling me you, Teckno, the guy who's read over a hundred and sixty books, have not read Mystery of the Kougra Paw?"

Week - 559

by jarm9
Description: Her teeth form an unintentionally menacing smile.

Week - 560

The Search for a Best Friend
by jarm9
Description: "Yup. Or else the friend police come."

Week - 573

The Chase
by jarm9
Description: "No," the Wocky said, "It's too big, I think—"

And then the three of them screamed and squealed as a rainbow Moehog suddenly jumped over and clambered onto the table...

Week - 645

by jarm9
Description: If he were a robot, his curiosity about a heart would be more reasonable, more justified. He is not a robot, though...

Week - 648

by jarm9
Description: "Samii!" KT shouted. "Stop that! You almost hit me! And that looks spiky and dangerous!"

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"Samii!" KT shouted. "Stop that! You almost hit me! And that looks spiky and dangerous!"

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