Week - 599
Two Dozen Black Dresses: Part One by emblo93 |
Description: Prigpants and Swolthy, Tailors. The name of the store meant many things to many people: to some, it was a portent of funerals; to others, it was a sign of galas to come. To Marius Finchley, Lackey, it was a harbinger of dreadful tidings... |
Week - 600
Two Dozen Black Dresses: Part Two by emblo93 |
Description: To run was an impossibility. The idea of running, of fleeing from the scene as fast his short legs would take him was certainly a reality to Marius, but the act itself was as impossible as if he had wished to sprout wings and fly away. |
Week - 601
Two Dozen Black Dresses: Part Three by emblo93 |
Description: "Sal, it's more than just the dresses! I just know that the Baron's up to something!" |
Week - 602
Two Dozen Black Dresses: Part Four by emblo93 |
Description: "Yes, he and his Mynci counterpart managed to sew the dresses quite to specification. Although there is a minor matter of a Kyrii apprentice to attend to." |
Week - 603
Two Dozen Black Dresses: Part Five by emblo93 |
Description: A frightened squawk came from the office followed by a sharp clearing of a throat. These two interjections were followed by a flow of honey oozing through the air. "Mr. Finchley, you're here." |
Week - 604
Terror at 20,000,000 Feet by emblo93 |
Description: "Please, everyone! I need you to listen to me!" It was no use. The Ogrin would not be heard. As Stale came to this realization, his stomach slowly sank. Something horrible was coming, and he was the only one who knew. |
Week - 606
A Letter to the Editor by emblo93 |
Description: When I was young, I was told stories of the Sway, as were we all. "Run along, little Aloysius, or the Sway will gobble you up." |
Week - 607
He Died A Long Time Ago by emblo93 |
Description: The Chia halted at the outermost edge of the forest. The Dark Woods, as they were known, had a reputation for being haunted; pets went in who never came out again, or so the stories went. |
Week - 609
Mr. Pufferton and the Last Magazine: Part One by emblo93 |
Description: Mephistopheles R. Pufferton was not given to waking up before the sun. He believed that a late riser was a healthy riser, and he argued this point every morning after he had been woken up slightly before luncheon. |
Week - 610
Mr. Pufferton and the Last Magazine: Part Two by emblo93 |
Description: "No, see, that's the thing. I don't want that one. I want the one with the captain of the pirates. You know? The scary Lupe? Remember when he was messing around with Maraqua?"
"...Are you sure you don't mean the one with the attacking pirates? That stamp is quite popular." |