Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 191,058,652 Issue: 595 | 17th day of Hunting, Y15
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We found the following 20 result(s) for the keyword kandeegrrl

Week - 298

A Fiery Friendship: Part One
by kandeegrrl
Description: He was finally old enough to become a squire, finally old enough to make his dreams come true. And what dreams they were!

Week - 299

A Fiery Friendship: Part Two
by kandeegrrl
Description: Then, to everyone's surprise, Jeran Borodere walked outside. "I thought I should see whether or not the squire I sponsored is any good." The giant Lupe winked...

Week - 300

A Fiery Friendship: Part Three
by kandeegrrl
Description: Flame turned and walked away and, after he had taken one last glance at the waterfall and the archway, Corran followed him. Wait, an archway?

Week - 301

A Fiery Friendship: Part Four
by kandeegrrl
Description: Torch looked very nervous. "W-Well, I suppose it could have been a clever ruse, but I don't think so. They claim that they know a way to get under the castle..."

Week - 306

Reunited: Part One
by kandeegrrl
Description: Though all others stayed indoors on this stormy night, she alone walked the roads. She feared nothing, for she had nothing to lose...

Week - 307

Reunited: Part Two
by kandeegrrl
Description: But every family has problems. Snow, Smokey, and Shanna rarely ever saw their father. As a sailor, he spent most of his time away...

Week - 308

Reunited: Part Three
by kandeegrrl
Description: More than once that day the Lupess thought she saw a blur of black sneaking through the trees in front of the Werelupes, but it might have merely been her imagination...

Week - 309

Reunited: Part Four
by kandeegrrl
Description: Shanna could hardly believe it. A feeling of uncontrollable joy and elation swept over her. "Father's here!"

Week - 310

Reunited: Part Five
by kandeegrrl
Description: Shanna hoisted herself up onto a rock. She and Smokey were standing on a sort of short overhanging cliff. About six feet beneath them slept thirty or so Werelupes...

Week - 314

The Challenge: Part One
by kandeegrrl
Description: At the moment, he was looking for his two friends. He had just been released from the hospital to hear that neither Flame nor Torch were present in the castle...

Week - 315

The Challenge: Part Two
by kandeegrrl
Description: "Power and wealth beyond your wildest dreams..."

Week - 316

The Challenge: Part Three
by kandeegrrl
Description: "This lesson is to see how you would fare out in the wild places of Meridell. When and if you all become knights, you'll no doubt be sent on long and dangerous journeys for King Skarl. It is vital that you know how to protect yourself..."

Week - 317

The Challenge: Part Four
by kandeegrrl
Description: "I think I've got it!" he explained. "In the morning we can start up early. I'm pretty sure we can make it to the Werelupe Woods and back in time..."

Week - 318

The Challenge: Part Five
by kandeegrrl
Description: "This is it?" squeaked Torch, his voice raising several octaves, for they stood in the middle of a graveyard...

Week - 319

The Challenge: Part Six
by kandeegrrl
Description: Corran tripped hard over a gnarled tree root, and a sharp pain went up his left wrist...

Week - 591

The Keepers: Part One
by kandeegrrl
Description: A very peculiar Zafara answered the door. He was glowing - though Kendrick had always suspected that it was a result of his many hours in his lab, and had nothing to do with a paint brush - with unruly hair and wearing a lab coat and Wellington boots covered in some blue bubbly substance.

Week - 592

The Keepers: Part Two
by kandeegrrl
Description: Kendrick woke in the middle of the night after his first day in Brightvale to an eerie noise - like cogs turning round and round beneath his bed.

Week - 593

The Keepers: Part Three
by kandeegrrl
Description: The moment they arrived on the hill, Arthur warned Kendrick not to step toward the battle. The spotted Shoyru didn't really need the warning, as he had no intentions of doing so in the first place, but his uncle's voice was extremely stern...

Week - 594

The Keepers: Part Four
by kandeegrrl
Description: The lake was sparkling under the moonlight. He had to admit, he felt pretty guilty. To his luck, there had been no need to deceive his uncle...

Week - 595

The Keepers: Part Five
by kandeegrrl
Description: "Uncle Arthur!" Kendrick exclaimed. "I... I was just..."

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