Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 190,988,565 Issue: 587 | 22nd day of Running, Y15
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword fields_of_gold

Week - 585

Song of Silence: Part One
by fields_of_gold
Description: "It should be any day now," murmured a mother Draik, who lay by her nest, resting her snout on the closest of the three eggs inside.

Week - 586

Song of Silence: Part Two
by fields_of_gold
Description: "It's a chalk-board, see?" Damien took it from her and drew on it using the stub of white chalk tied to a string. "Once we teach you to write, you'll be able to communicate just like us."

Week - 587

Song of Silence: Part Three
by fields_of_gold
Description: "Father!" Blossom cried, watching, horrified, as he dropped out of the sky and plunged headfirst through the ice and disappeared.

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