A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 190,737,160 Issue: 584 | 1st day of Running, Y15
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword ratty170170

Week - 584

Eating Vegan in Neopia
by ratty170170
Description: You wouldn't catch a vegan eating a Blumaroo Tail Salad Extravaganza, or even a free Omelette. "So what do they eat?!" I hear you cry.

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Great stories!


We All Fall Down: Part Three
Something about Cerulean that day seemed... off.

by ellbot1998


Her name was Madeleine, for the cake.

by faerierainbow3


Greedy Cheese
Another comic brought to you by the Petpet Protection League.

Idea by bulletmarsh

by sunarel


I Wasn't Going to Sleep Tonight, Anyway
Aww, cute...

by suspensiion


Good Karma
My name is Karma. I'm a yellow Blumaroo that's been living on Mystery Island my whole life. After losing a volleyball game on the beach one day to some older Myncies my sister told me I was weak and I should start training to build up some strength. I took it to heart.

by x_raynebow_x

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