The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 190,555,218 Issue: 578 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y15
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword dolphinsareawesome

Week - 339

Pirate Queen
by dolphinsareawesome
Description: "Someday I'll have me own ship," she said under her breath...

Week - 577

Dr. Sloth Returns... Again!: Part One
by dolphinsareawesome
Description: Sometimes it got a little annoying, being the pet of Double Agent D, but moments like these always brightened it up.

Week - 578

Dr. Sloth Returns... Again!: Part Two
by dolphinsareawesome
Description: The frightened Neopets cowered in their cages, obviously scared by the sight of Neopia's Handsomest Supervillain.

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The New Battledome
Pff, those angry Yurbles...just enjoy it! :)

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Beauty is Only Fur-Deep
He wasn't dull boring silver anymore! Some faerie must've noticed how sad he was and granted him this gorgeous pelt of fur.

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Overboard: Part One
"Oh, I just can't decide! I'll simply have to bring both," the royal girl Wocky said to herself as she stuffed the two bottles forcefully into the already over-stuffed suitcase.

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Home for the Holidays
Not every day had to be scary in the Haunted Woods, and Freya was determined to prove it.

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The Kadoatery
Krazy Kads.

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by lucas4429

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