Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 190,555,218 Issue: 578 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y15
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword adrian13_56

Week - 572

The Zany Jelly! : Petpet Problems
by adrian13_56
Description: He asked for it...

Week - 578

The Zany Jelly!: Silver Struck
by adrian13_56
Description: It's so shiny. Too Shiny! TOO SHINY!

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How Do You Indulge Yourselves On Neopets?
I decided to ask the users on the Help Neoboard about the fun things they treat themselves to, and I received a plethora of responses!

by indulgences


So Says the Slorg!!!

by supercheezee


Shuzu and Tig; Compensating
Don't let it go to your head, Tig.

Also by aaron_luver_2002

by firefriendsforever


The joys of the Shop Wizard!
Maybe Premium would be a good idea...

by epicgiggle


Unbreakable: Part Four
"Wraith pets... He's filled his entire front line with wraith pets," the faerie murmured. "I don't know whether to call that brilliant or just plain low."

by sporty2443

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