A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 189,271,873 Issue: 551 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y14
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword dr_tomoe

Week - 540

Five Worst Places For Grey Pets To Live In Neopia
by dr_tomoe
Description: There are several places in Neopia that just aren't good places for Grey pets to live. They're just too bright or cheerful for a grey pet to live in peace.

Week - 542

The Ten Best Prizes From the Mini Plastic Neggs
by dr_tomoe
Description: Nope. Not bitter at all... *shifty eyes*

Week - 547

Five Secrets You Didn't Know About Sabre-X
by dr_tomoe
Description: There is more to Sabre-X than meets the eye. It turns out that Tyrannia's resident Omelette Defender has some secrets that almost no one knows about.

Week - 551

Neopian Book Reviews: Book of Chemical Reactions
by dr_tomoe
Description: The Book of Chemical Reactions is described as a way to learn about harmless and not-so-harmless chemical reactions.

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He gives the same lecture every year...

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Dinner with the Scarlets: Keep Out Island
You don’t need a Plot to have Plot Fever.

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Pirates of Shenkuu: Part One
"Pirates are sailors. You can't be a sailor without the sea."

by cityface28761


Letters, Snorkles, Slander
You, dear sir, are the very sort of person that is so inherently dreadful that the dirt you touch feels itself to be unclean.

by hermione_890_neo


Aisha Aisha ~ The Trouble with Collectibles
Starring SparklingPluto

by sprinklingneptune

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