Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 189,095,624 Issue: 548 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y14
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We found the following 44 result(s) for the keyword a_greenparrot

Week - 365

The Real Dark Faeries
by a_greenparrot
Description: Do not make the same mistakes I did.

Week - 369

Kindred Spirits
by a_greenparrot
Description: "No, that's silly. I am the Swamp Witch; I don't take vacations."

Week - 370

The Perfect Petpet for Sophie
by a_greenparrot
Description: Sophie had been on her own for almost a year now. She was carefully reading one of the many spell books she had found in the old shed...

Week - 374

Secrets in the Lost Desert: Part One
by a_greenparrot
Description: Nabile threw down the letter and answered, "This isn't like Princess Amira. Why would she randomly start a war with Khmatef? It almost sounds like she is threatening us."

Week - 375

Secrets in the Lost Desert: Part Two
by a_greenparrot
Description: They were close to the princess's tower when Nabile gasped, "It's Horace!"

Week - 376

Secrets in the Lost Desert: Part Three
by a_greenparrot
Description: "Sankara," yelled Dacon, "not only are you a heartless monster, but a coward."

Week - 377

A Bad Experience
by a_greenparrot
Description: The dark swamp would scare most Neopians, but not Sophie. She had never feared the dark...

Week - 381

Sophie versus The Neopian Times
by a_greenparrot
Description: Today was Friday, one of the seven days a week that Sophie preferred to sleep in.

Week - 382

A Defender's Fear
by a_greenparrot
Description: Invisibelle dodged to the left to avoid a kick from Judge Hog.

Week - 386

Secrets in Shenkuu: Part One
by a_greenparrot
Description: Princess Lunara gazed out of her window as another flying ship pulled into the dock.

Week - 387

Secrets in Shenkuu: Part Two
by a_greenparrot
Description: Solara skilfully scaled the wall outside her window. She had had years of practice finding holds. In no time she was on the ground...

Week - 388

Secrets in Shenkuu: Part Three
by a_greenparrot
Description: "Princess Lunara, what are you doing in the kitchen?" he inquired. "This is a place for servants and chefs, not princesses."

Week - 384

Replacing Illusen
by a_greenparrot
Description: The Earth Faerie stood up and paced around her glade. She still had a bit of a dilemma...

Week - 392

Being Gilly
by a_greenparrot
Description: "I just don't understand her," said Sophie to any Meowclopses in the room. "How can she be so cheerful and smiley all the time?"

Week - 389

Another Chance: Part One
by a_greenparrot
Description: An Earth Faerie was foolishly wandering the Haunted Woods alone. Soon she would be in a bottle for sale.

Week - 390

Another Chance: Part Two
by a_greenparrot
Description: "Of course, she's wrong; Balthazar will never change," sneered Ilere.

Week - 391

Another Chance: Part Three
by a_greenparrot
Description: I couldn't believe it; this Water Faerie was offering me a free chance to heal myself.

Week - 394

Faeries: Before the Fame - Part One
by a_greenparrot
Description: Fyora drummed her fingers on her desk as she waited for her class to start. Teaching new faeries was her favourite task...

Week - 395

Faeries: Before the Fame - Part Two
by a_greenparrot
Description: "Well, like it or not, it is a requirement if you want to graduate," pointed out Fyora.

Week - 396

Faeries: Before the Fame - Part Three
by a_greenparrot
Description: "What's wrong, Sleeper? Didn't you get enough sleep in class?" taunted the Air Faerie.

Week - 397

Faeries: Before the Fame - Part Four
by a_greenparrot
Description: The Light Faerie looked miserable, as if she had spent the last few hours weeping. "Celeste, I'm worried about Zoë," she stated gravely.

Week - 399

Sophie versus the Existence of Jelly World
by a_greenparrot
Description: Once somebody says that Jelly World is real, you know that they are immeasurably insane.

Week - 401

Sophie versus the Altador Cup
by a_greenparrot
Description: Sophie turned to face that blue, raging Techo and demanded, "Pipe down! I can barely hear myself think."

Week - 443

Memories of the PPL: Samrin's New Home
by a_greenparrot
Description: "It all started on an ordinary day," Samrin began, "as do most adventures..."

Week - 450

The Neopian Times 450 Extravaganza
by a_greenparrot
Description: "Today I will be talking to some of the Neopian Times' most well-known recurring comic characters."

Week - 461

Paparazzi: Part One
by a_greenparrot
Description: I don't know how many years it has been since Dr. Sloth shut me down and put me away.

Week - 462

Paparazzi: Part Two
by a_greenparrot
Description: Okay, so, I'm on my first assignment ever. That's right, the first assignment of Peppi Pansy. I definitely like the sound of that.

Week - 463

Paparazzi: Part Three
by a_greenparrot
Description: I cannot tell you how annoying failure is. I thought that as a villain I could handle it...

Week - 464

Paparazzi: Part Four
by a_greenparrot
Description: "We can tell this Kau all about our evil plans, then let her go," Larkin continues. "Once she returns to Neopia, she'll have no choice but to publish a complete story of us, then all of Neopia shall fear us."

Week - 483

Sophie versus The Next Generation
by a_greenparrot
Description: One of his key strategies was to bend the truth to however he saw fit. It had worked for quite a while, but then Mr. Peterson had made the mistake of messing with Sophie the Swamp Witch.

Week - 491

Mr. Peterson vs The Neopian Times
by a_greenparrot
Description: "Peppi, you can't bribe the Neopian Times..."

Week - 495

The Rise and Fall of Dr. Boochigald: A Hero's Tale - Part One
by danielp1619410022198
Description: Dr. Boochigald was a pink Bruce that had seen better days.

Also written by a_greenparrot

Week - 496

The Rise and Fall of Dr. Boochigald: A Hero's Tale - Part Two
by danielp1619410022198
Description: Boochigald was more intelligent than this, however. He was a master in compacting massive power into minute objects.

Also by a_greenparrot

Week - 497

The Rise and Fall of Dr. Boochigald: A Hero's Tale - Part Three
by danielp1619410022198
Description: "Good news, Kazor. You can live," Sloth said to his guard with an unimpressed smirk across his face.

Also by a_greenparrot

Week - 498

The Rise and Fall of Dr. Boochigald: A Hero's Tale - Part Four
by danielp1619410022198
Description: What used to be an alluring, bustling village with glistening waterfalls and green paddocks was now nothing more than a crater.

Also by a_greenparrot

Week - 500

The Rise and Fall of Dr. Boochigald: A Hero's Tale - Part Six
by danielp1619410022198
Description: "How am I going to find my way through here if I can't see a thing?" he thought to himself.

Also by a_greenparrot

Week - 501

The Rise and Fall of Dr. Boochigald: A Hero's Tale - Part Seven
by danielp1619410022198
Description: "Good evening, Dr. Boochigald." The figure grinned evilly.

Sloth was back.

Also by a_greenparrot

Week - 508

Sophie's Cousin versus The Neopian Times
by a_greenparrot
Description: "Is it safe to write about Sophie? You know how dangerous her wrath can be."

Week - 513

Hostile Takeover
by a_greenparrot
Description: "Mind-control, it never fails. The only question now is, how do I do it? Hypnosis, nanobots, little mind-control caps?"

Week - 516

Sibling Rivalry
by a_greenparrot
Description: "First things first," she muttered to herself as she walked through the alleys of Moltara. "I've got to see Jimmi's empire. I just can't imagine him conquering anything."

Week - 518

A Deal with the Daniels: Part One
by a_greenparrot
Description: He raised his paw and envisioned a powerful blast of energy shooting forward. Instead only smoke poured from his fist.

"Okay, okay, smoke is good," he assured himself.

Week - 519

A Deal with the Daniels: Part Two
by a_greenparrot
Description: "This Chia shouldn't be too much of a threat for two trained heroes like us," he said, "with or without magic."

Week - 520

A Deal with the Daniels: Part Three
by a_greenparrot
Description: "Look at this place," Miri sighed. "It's been ravaged; it will take years to get it back to its former glory."

Week - 548

Why The South Pole Should Be Neopia's Next Land
by a_greenparrot
Description: Even the oldest of maps showed that at the south-most point of Neopia is a land of ice. Yet no explorer has journeyed to see what is hidden in this frigid world.

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Finding Aiko
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Or, more importantly, where I was.

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