Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 542 | 27th day of Eating, Y14
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword chimie119

Week - 521

A Renewed Hope: Part One
by chimie119
Description: It had been a mere month ago when her life was totally normal. In the mornings, Janice, an ordinary yellow Shoyru, would practice Mysti, a powerful Earth Magic...

Week - 522

A Renewed Hope: Part Two
by chimie119
Description: Janice gave him a blank stare. Her spirit glow dimmed. "What do you mean, I'm the Protector? I've never even heard of a silly place called Calladamos."

Week - 523

A Renewed Hope: Part Three
by chimie119
Description: "Janice," Ria said, sternly. "The more you struggle, the tighter they become. Only I can free you, and I will only do that if you promise to protect our city and defeat the Guardians."

Week - 524

A Renewed Hope: Part Four
by chimie119
Description: She found Ria in the Training Room, expertly slashing dummies with a sword. "Um... Ria? What are you doing?" Janice asked, surprised.

Week - 525

A Renewed Hope: Part Five
by chimie119
Description: "Wait!" she said suddenly, stopping Ria's and Atlanta's argument. "I think I know where he is. But we have to hurry."

Week - 526

A Renewed Hope: Part Six
by chimie119
Description: The events that happened afterwards were carved into the walls of the Hall to be remembered forever, like Calladamos.

Week - 538

Things Best Remembered: Part One
by chimie119
Description: The Protector of Calladamos, otherwise known as Janice, gave a long, exasperated sigh.

Week - 539

Things Best Remembered: Part Two
by chimie119
Description: "Atlanta, the Guardian was tricking you. Remember, manipulation is their specialty. Do not believe what it said."

Week - 540

Things Best Remembered: Part Three
by chimie119
Description: "You see," she continued, "The elements – earth, air, water, fire, darkness, and light – are forces of nature. This makes controlling them... difficult."

Week - 541

Things Best Remembered: Part Four
by chimie119
Description: Atlanta high-fived him, grinning. "That's the best idea you've had in a long time, Gareth," she said. He wasn't quite sure whether he was supposed to be offended at that.

Week - 542

Things Best Remembered: Part Five
by chimie119
Description: The sword was made of a mixture of Emberatia – "Good for channeling or blocking magic," Tristan told her with a wink – jades, and emeralds. It caught the sunlight beautifully...

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