Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 195,095,912 Issue: 539 | 6th day of Eating, Y14
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword blueys45

Week - 234

The Immortal Toast: Part One
by blueys45
Description: Any second now, I thought. The lightning drew ever closer to the rod. I stood there watching and waiting patiently, until...

Week - 235

The Immortal Toast: Part Two
by blueys45
Description: Sunlight looked up and replied, "Aw come on, Marik! Trust me! This will work!"

Week - 534

Infinity: Part One
by blueys45
Description: It was the citizens themselves that earned the city its name. Everyone in that city was a Glowing Buzz. They were the Fireflies, proud of their identity as Neopets that naturally adapted to their dark environment. With such deep-rooted pride, none them would ever think of being anything else.

Week - 535

Infinity: Part Two
by blueys45
Description: "Gather plants of any specimen from the surface, and plenty of them. If you present them to me tomorrow at this same time, I'll give you your cure."

Week - 536

Infinity: Part Three
by blueys45
Description: Two weeks had passed, and Lumin could once again stand on his balcony and watch the City of Lights sparkle with the glow of the Fireflies.

Week - 537

Infinity: Part Four
by blueys45
Description: Infrared's and Neon's search for The Engineer produced no results. They didn't catch even so much of a glimpse of her.

Week - 538

Infinity: Part Five
by blueys45
Description: Lumin let out a deep sigh, trying to keep his composure. Nothing like that had ever happened before. Once a Firefly started to glow, they stayed that way all their life. Suddenly losing their glow was unthinkable.

Week - 539

Infinity: Part Six
by blueys45
Description: Lumin was in the middle of a city-wide rebellion. So many Fireflies fought against him now. But as he listened to what the Royal Guards had to say, he realized that even then he still had allies...

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