Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 188,352,100 Issue: 533 | 17th day of Awakening, Y14
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword wolfspirit200179

Week - 519

The Vacation
by wolfspirit200179
Description: You're joking.

Oh no...

Week - 524

The New House
by wolfspirit200179
Description: Don't you just love our new house?

Week - 533

When Your Sticky Hand Loses the 'Stick'
by wolfspirit200179
Description: Take this, Jelly Chia!!

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Academese #9
It's Karaoke Thyme! Pun intended.

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Once a Scarab: Part Five
And all they had was this useless mirror. He muttered, "You'd think King Jazan could have given her some sort of magic weapon or something useful."

by saphira_27


A Chia's Guide to Ice Cream Machine
Hi! I'm Adee the Chia. I live in my dream world in the Ice Cream Machine (or, as the cognoscenti describe it, ICM).

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I didn't really care. She wasn't my problem.

by allison_kitty11


Did your Neopet NOT Receive a Valentine?
Well, all four of my Neopets received no roses or chocolates from any secret admirers this year, and I must say they all had different reactions to what had occurred on that fateful Tuesday.

by mr_holithon

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