The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword jazzehness

Week - 517

Treasure Keeper, Literally
by jazzehness
Description: I don't put roses in my shop so these customers can stop and smell them!

Week - 521

Spread A Smile: A Guide to Making Others Happy
by jazzehness
Description: A simple guide for those who want to spread kindness to other users!

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Cold Shoulder
"That's it! I've had it with you." Keion's yellow button eyes shone with the light of anger. "I'm leaving!"

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Become a Champion at Chia Bomber 2!
Good day, students! Welcome to Chia Bomber 101!

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A Neositting Adventure
I had babysat them a couple of times and I really liked them. Their owner, an energetic girl named Tami, was a pretty good friend of mine. We grabbed Borovan together once a week or so.

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Loosen That Belt and Feast Like a King!
Every autumn, the Meridell farms are bustling with hard working Neopians harvesting ripe fruits, vegetables, and grains to bring to your dinner table.

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Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 6)
Silver learns a lesson in Geography.

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