Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 187,548,790 Issue: 518 | 28th day of Collecting, Y13
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword thatsextraheretical

Week - 437

Key Quest and Heresy: A Second Look
by thatsextraheretical
Description: Thought for the day: A logical argument must be dismissed with absolute conviction!

Week - 439

Action Air Tales: Privateer's Bane!
by thatsextraheretical
Description: "You have been selected as one of the premier freelance aces to undertake a confidential mission to protect a classified cargo..."

Week - 448

Altador Cup Conspiracy Theories
by thatsextraheretical
Description: I've been there once or twice, but I've noticed things. I'm not sure what kind of slushies she's serving, but some of her customers get rather angry.

Week - 515

Blah Blah
by highwind20
Description: IT'S OVER 9000!!!

Idea by thatsextraheretical

Week - 517

A New Line of Work: Part One
by thatsextraheretical
Description: They also maintained a rather unofficial business of espionage and information gathering specialists excelling in not leaving a trace; that is to say, it was a spy agency...

Week - 518

A New Line of Work: Part Two
by thatsextraheretical
Description: "The contact's codename is 'West.' He is an Electric-painted Ruki, currently staying at the Setting Sun Inn, and he's supposed to meet you in about an hour in the lobby."

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A New Line of Work: Part Two
"The contact's codename is 'West.' He is an Electric-painted Ruki, currently staying at the Setting Sun Inn, and he's supposed to meet you in about an hour in the lobby."

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Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Morphica Begins - Part Seven
"Judge Hog, how good of you to save us the trouble of finding you ourselves. You should have listened to Morphica. Really, I was hoping that you would be a little smarter than this."

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