Week - 323
Storm at Sea: Part One by saphira_27 |
Description: Two figures ran through the darkness. They were some of the very, very few who were unafraid – they had grown up on these shadowy streets... |
Week - 324
Storm at Sea: Part Two by saphira_27 |
Description: The spell had pent up enough energy to keep the storm going for years. Not that they would need that long. Soft-hearted Fyora would see the chaos and do the only thing she could do to save her people – hand over Faerieland... |
Week - 325
Storm at Sea: Part Three by saphira_27 |
Description: Vivian was very uneasy. The electric Ixi sorceress whispered to Ivy, "Why haven't we seen any Dark Faeries?" |
Week - 326
Storm at Sea: Part Four by saphira_27 |
Description: Embyrr looked around in near-panic – they couldn't possibly last much longer. The Fire Faerie told her companion, "Ivy – we have to get out of here! We're being overwhelmed!" |
Week - 360
A House, A Home: Part One by saphira_27 |
Description: "There's open space here, which is a lot more than you can say for Neopia Central. Come on! It's a whole new life – a splendid adventure story – four sisters moving to the moon!" |
Week - 361
A House, A Home: Part Two by saphira_27 |
Description: Juju bent down. Was this piece of floor slightly darker than the rest? She felt around it and got her fingers in the grooves. She lifted it up. A ladder led to a tunnel below. |
Week - 362
A House, A Home: Part Three by saphira_27 |
Description: The Grundo said patronizingly, "I'm duty-bound to check out all serious claims. It was probably just a few teenage thugs hiding in the shed." |
Week - 363
A House, A Home: Part Four by saphira_27 |
Description: That was when a large door opened across the room, revealing Commander Garoo. And yes, he had giant robots. |
Week - 378
Her Majesty's Champions: Part One by saphira_27 |
Description: It was a time for Champions. Six mortal heroes with ties to each of the six elements, who were sworn to obey the Queen and fight for good. |
Week - 379
Her Majesty's Champions: Part Two by saphira_27 |
Description: "The Champions of Air and Darkness are arriving today... I will speak to all of you together, and explain your purpose." |
Week - 380
Her Majesty's Champions: Part Three by saphira_27 |
Description: Someone banged on the door of the Grand Council Chamber. "Milady Fyora! I must speak with you at once!" |
Week - 381
Her Majesty's Champions: Part Four by saphira_27 |
Description: The three masked Neopets waited until the blast shook the Citadel before they acted. They jumped out of their hiding places... |
Week - 382
Her Majesty's Champions: Part Five by saphira_27 |
Description: The six Champions dismounted outside the Faerie Palace and bid their mounts goodbye. Sartos muttered, "Here goes nothing." |
Week - 383
Her Majesty's Champions: Part Six by saphira_27 |
Description: "I wish you to go inside the Palace... I need you to guard the Vault of Queens." |
Week - 426
Hearts of Fire: Part One by saphira_27 |
Description: She crept into one of the narrow corridors of the Virtupets Space Station. The only light came from the intermittent blinks of the status buttons... |
Week - 427
Hearts of Fire: Part Two by saphira_27 |
Description: Carmen helped Niklausse up onto the top of the escape pod. They both squinted in the early-morning sunshine – they weren't used to it at all after a few years on the Space Station. |
Week - 428
Hearts of Fire: Part Three by saphira_27 |
Description: Carmen was starting to be a little uneasy about that plan... one night, she'd found the Neopedia articles on "Sloth" and "Mutants" while the others were asleep. A few phrases from the latter particularly haunted her... |
Week - 429
Hearts of Fire: Part Four by saphira_27 |
Description: Pinkerton was forcibly marched along a narrow ramp down into the belly of one of the Invader ships. |
Week - 430
Hearts of Fire: Part Five by saphira_27 |
Description: As the sounds of battle crashed around them, Carmen, Niklausse, and Musetta crouched behind a barricade... |
Week - 431
Hearts of Fire: Part Six by saphira_27 |
Description: "Better to die here and free than surrender and die a prisoner of Sloth." |
Week - 448
Tatterwings: Part One by saphira_27 |
Description: Ioni the Grey Faerie looked out of the mouth of the cave into the setting sun. Behind her, the firelight flickered. |
Week - 449
Tatterwings: Part Two by saphira_27 |
Description: She tried her best to stab at the creature – but how did one stab a shadow? It didn't seem to have any effect at all! |
Week - 450
Tatterwings: Part Three by saphira_27 |
Description: "Edna's tower isn't too far away from here... she's said to be friendlier than others in this accursed wood, so I think we should start there." |
Week - 451
Tatterwings: Part Four by saphira_27 |
Description: The seven travellers soon found that they couldn't keep up the pace that they had originally set. Bruno didn't appear at all tired, but finally, when even Rafe was drooping, Ioni said, "We can't go on like this... we need to slow down." |
Week - 452
Tatterwings: Part Five by saphira_27 |
Description: Jennumara felt the magic connection between herself and Archos snap. She dashed to the top of her tower and looked in her mirror, waiting impatiently for the mist to clear. |
Week - 453
Tatterwings: Part Six by saphira_27 |
Description: The Darkest Faerie threw back her blue-black head and laughed. "Look at what's become of you, Jennumara!" |
Week - 454
Tatterwings: Part Seven by saphira_27 |
Description: Ioni cried, "Baelia, run! I'll hold her off... you'll be more help as a Fire Faerie!" |
Week - 475
The Wheel of Glory: Part One by saphira_27 |
Description: It was too much for Miles to keep track of at once. Arcadius – the builder of the five wheels of Neopia – speaking of a first wheel, which he hadn't invented! |
Week - 476
The Wheel of Glory: Part Two by saphira_27 |
Description: "What happened, Miles? I got here first, and you were just lying on the floor by the magic paintings, all tied up! Doc said that he thought he smelled sleep gas, but how did sleep gas get in here?" |
Week - 477
The Wheel of Glory: Part Three by saphira_27 |
Description: Miles rewrapped his makeshift turban around his head as Thag and Plesio rowed the boat up the River Sakh. |
Week - 478
The Wheel of Glory: Part Four by saphira_27 |
Description: Doc laughed. "Imagine it – we're in one of best worlds in Neopia for a journey, and Vile's on a wild-Mallard chase in the middle of the desert!" |
Week - 480
Lady Sandstorm: Part One by saphira_27 |
Description: "It may be best to do what we did last time – remind him that Sakhmet and Qasala are allies. Unless he's tripled his forces since his last attempt, he can't possibly hope to stand against us together." |
Week - 481
Lady Sandstorm: Part Two by saphira_27 |
Description: Jazan blinked a few times, but he didn't let any other signs of his weariness show. There were quite a lot of Qasalans watching his small group leave the city... |
Week - 482
Lady Sandstorm: Part Three by saphira_27 |
Description: Hanso and Brynn only looked confused – Jazan realized that they probably had no idea what was going on. He asked, "Nightsteed, could we have a history lesson for all concerned?" |
Week - 483
Lady Sandstorm: Part Four by saphira_27 |
Description: Nabile twisted a strand of hair anxiously as Jazan said, "She was a Fire Faerie gone bad. She’s the reason the Lost Desert is a desert." |
Week - 484
Lady Sandstorm: Part Five by saphira_27 |
Description: "So that way must be the room that fills with water! It's down a flight of stairs. Tomos and I fell in there, and then we went that way – so that way must be the library we found!" |
Week - 485
Lady Sandstorm: Part Six by saphira_27 |
Description: Jazan didn't even look at him. "Thief, if you dare to compare me to Razul..." |
Week - 486
Lady Sandstorm: Part Seven by saphira_27 |
Description: Jazan stood in front of his scrying ball, wondering one final time if this was a good idea. |
Week - 487
Lady Sandstorm: Part Eight by saphira_27 |
Description: Jazan looked back at the statue behind them. "That's King Jazan the First – he led the city against Lady Sandstorm the first time, all those millennia ago." |
Week - 488
Lady Sandstorm: Part Nine by saphira_27 |
Description: "Have the faeries arrived yet?"
Nabile shook her head. "Not a sign of them." |
Week - 489
The Squire and the Scholar: Part One by saphira_27 |
Description: Lisha tried to suppress a snort. "It'd be nicer if your example was realistic, sir. Jeran won't let me any closer to a battle than he can help." |
Week - 490
The Squire and the Scholar: Part Two by saphira_27 |
Description: "So, what are we not to do once we don't sneak out of the castle?" |
Week - 491
The Squire and the Scholar: Part Three by saphira_27 |
Description: Lisha shook her head. All of these knights and their ideas of "duty"... |
Week - 492
The Squire and the Scholar: Part Four by saphira_27 |
Description: Lisha gripped her wand. It's just me and Ro now. A squire and a scholar, out to save Meridell. |
Week - 493
The Squire and the Scholar: Part Five by saphira_27 |
Description: She remembered how she'd felt as she watched Jeran waving goodbye to her. She'd been so proud of doing something without his help... |
Week - 494
The Squire and the Scholar: Part Six by saphira_27 |
Description: With a thunderous roar, a Werelupe came out of a doorway up ahead.
Lisha shrieked... |
Week - 495
The Squire and the Scholar: Part Seven by saphira_27 |
Description: Jeran held Lisha so tightly she could hardly breathe as he scolded, "Lisha! What possessed you to do such an insane..." |
Week - 496
My Enemy, My King: Part One by saphira_27 |
Description: It has been many years since you have wielded your blade in the service of Qasala. As your king, I command that you return... |
Week - 497
My Enemy, My King: Part Two by saphira_27 |
Description: "These directions, coupled with my own notes and translations, will lead you to the underground chamber where the 'Son of the Sun' hid his greatest treasure." |
Week - 498
My Enemy, My King: Part Three by saphira_27 |
Description: He'd lived too long, travelled too far, and made too much of a life elsewhere to let himself die back in Qasala. He had to survive this. |
Week - 499
My Enemy, My King: Part Four by saphira_27 |
Description: Alaric eased himself down to the bottom of a long, slick wall with only scant handholds, then looked up at the dot of light at the top of the slope and lit his own torch. "The rest of you can come down now!" |
Week - 500
My Enemy, My King: Part Five by saphira_27 |
Description: Alaric awoke with a ferocious headache – he put a hand to his head as he opened his eyes. |
Week - 501
My Enemy, My King: Part Six by saphira_27 |
Description: "The tiles on the floor are traps – there's one real path to each place, but other than that they open up into spike pits." |
Week - 502
My Enemy, My King: Part Seven by saphira_27 |
Description: "It doesn't matter – what matters is getting that Fyora-forsaken Orb out of this palace before your father finds out that it's gone!" |
Week - 503
More Powerful than Magic: Part One by saphira_27 |
Description: Had it really been twenty years since the curse had ended? The Old Qasalan runes written on banners at every street corner proclaimed it, but Jazan still had trouble believing it. |
Week - 504
More Powerful than Magic: Part Two by saphira_27 |
Description: "How? She's been a statue for fourteen years! How in Neopia could she have gotten loose?" |
Week - 505
More Powerful than Magic: Part Three by saphira_27 |
Description: Hanso said with fake cheer, "King Jazan actually agrees with me? I feel so loved!" |
Week - 506
More Powerful than Magic: Part Four by saphira_27 |
Description: "I am the Games Master! Please leave, unless you wish me to utterly defeat you." |
Week - 507
More Powerful than Magic: Part Five by saphira_27 |
Description: Hanso muttered to Jazan, "Congratulations. I think we've managed to find someone who's even more annoying than I am!" |
Week - 508
More Powerful than Magic: Part Six by saphira_27 |
Description: If it had been any other night, Jazan would have been excited. The Vault of Queens contained some of the most powerful artifacts that had ever existed in Neopia, but mere mortals were rarely allowed inside. |
Week - 509
More Powerful than Magic: Part Seven by saphira_27 |
Description: The next morning, Jazan and Altador leaned over a large map of Faerieland and the surrounding land in Fyora's main library as Hanso consulted the golem book. |
Week - 510
More Powerful than Magic: Part Eight by saphira_27 |
Description: Brynn asked, "Are you sure you can lead us to Xandra, King Jazan?" |
Week - 511
More Powerful than Magic: Part Nine by saphira_27 |
Description: Jazan wasn't swayed for a second by Xandra's talk of power and conquest. He'd heard words like that before – that was the way Razul had talked. |
Week - 513
Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part One by saphira_27 |
Description: "If I wanted that blaster fixed with Mallard tape, I'd have done it myself!" |
Week - 514
Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part Two by saphira_27 |
Description: "I'm glad we found you. This isn't a standard shipping lane – Spaceward 6 is here to patrol for pirates. Has your ship been attacked?" |
Week - 515
Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part Three by saphira_27 |
Description: Cassius slid into his seat as Marzai began, "The sorceress Jalitha has been a problem for Eoxan-zortha for centuries..." |
Week - 516
Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part Four by saphira_27 |
Description: Trinian shouted, "Any sign of the shadows?"
Bea commented, "I'm pretty sure they're back there pointing and laughing." |
Week - 517
Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part Five by saphira_27 |
Description: As the flame subsided, a little Grundo wandered up. "May Mira bless our meeting, my friends! I'm glad that you've finally arrived!" |