Week - 342
Queen of the Banned by mamasimios |
Description: I refuse to stop trawling the shops until I get at least one unbuyable, or at least nearly unbuyable, item per day. And sometimes this leads to many hundreds of page refreshes. |
Week - 344
Questiquette by mamasimios |
Description: Simply select "Quests" from the Neoboard Index and help is just a click away. After all, the kind folks in here are willing to lend a hand! |
Week - 348
The Happiness Faerie's Tea Party by mamasimios |
Description: "To friendship!" decreed the Happiness Faerie, and the others echoed the toast... |
Week - 352
Gravy Train by mamasimios |
Description: I would like to bring my study of Graviology to a broader audience. To that end, I have assembled here a list of my most favourite foods... |
Week - 353
Cheaters Never Prosper by mamasimios |
Description: "Two sixes," said Kalora as she laid two cards face down in the centre of the table. Fernypoo noted that Kalora's ears did not twitch...
Also by dollgirl44 |
Week - 358
Aisha Dreams by mamasimios |
Description: Problems multiply, threateningly, filling her mind. But not tonight. |
Week - 362
Campfire Stories by mamasimios |
Description: "Are there really any scary stories left to be told?" |
Week - 364
Redemption: Briccriu's Tale by mamasimios |
Description: "Hmmmph," grumbled the white Lenny, squinting at the Chia Pop and adjusting his thick-lensed glasses, "no guarantees with this." |
Week - 365
Fools and Children: Part One by mamasimios |
Description: "GitchiManitou," began the Faerie Queen in his vision earlier that night, "You have been chosen..." |
Week - 366
Fools and Children: Part Two by mamasimios |
Description: GitchiManitou, the ghost Krawk, stepped forward and introduced himself. He explained that the quartet was on a quest for Fyora and required transportation to Krawk Island. |
Week - 367
Fools and Children: Part Three by mamasimios |
Description: GM shrugged and replied, "We need to get both of us off this boat, but we're at the mercy of our captors." |
Week - 368
Fools and Children: Part Four by mamasimios |
Description: "I believe it is time," said GitchiManitou to his sisters, "that I share with you my full history." |
Week - 372
A Dung Faerie Christmas by mamasimios |
Description: "Well, Mr. Smartie Pants, if there's no Dung Faerie, then where do all the gifts come from at the Meridell Rubbish Dump?" |
Week - 379
The Heart of a Ripped Valentines Chia Plushie by mamasimios |
Description: Time moves so slowly. Too slowly when you are a plushie, small and ripped, leaking stuffing...
Also by lovemycat17 |
Week - 382
Redemption: The Circle Closes by mamasimios |
Description: "She was apparently blasted by the Snowager. That was two days ago, and she hasn't been conscious since." |
Week - 388
Meditation on a Sigh by mamasimios |
Description: Grey. Draining the colour, draining the light from its surroundings. Like smoke. Like ash. Like dust. Like an empty tomb. Like the Grey Faerie, whose sadness could envelope you in its storm cloud, as it has her. |
Week - 395
How To Be Cool by mamasimios |
Description: I'd be impressed if, just once, someone would get the courage to come up to my face and say it, like, "Hey, Zargrold, you're so cool, just so hover, man, how do you do it?" |
Week - 402
Wohm: The Reluctant Hero by mamasimios |
Description: "Who are you?" Fyora demanded. "What am I doing here?" |
Week - 400
The 400 Steps to Kreludor by mamasimios |
Description: Flurple was a starry Kacheek, but more than that, he was a dreamer. |
Week - 407
A Nutty Idea by mamasimios |
Description: "Well, why are you the main character in some plot? I mean out of everyone you meet, why you?" |
Week - 416
The Tooth Faerie's Guide to Alternative Halloween Goodies by mamasimios |
Description: Well, a toothy hello to all my friends and fans! |
Week - 423
Universal Translator by mamasimios |
Description: "Hello, Maoush," Mucige gushed. "How wonderful it is to see you again." The Darigan Grundo flashed a simpering smile, ensuring his cousin couldn't miss the dripping sarcasm. |
Week - 429
A Reader's Guide to Jhudora by mamasimios |
Description: Who can claim to understand the heart of a Dark Faerie? And what of the darkest faerie of them all, the incomparable Jhudora? |
Week - 430
A Valentine for Dr. Sloth by mamasimios |
Description: "It is my opinion that the residents of this Space Station fear me enough to do anything I say, and I say that they must love me. And further, I say that they must demonstrate their love for me this year by making and sending me Valentines." |
Week - 431
Esud, Mynci Slip Na-Nas and a Faerie Quest by mamasimios |
Description: Esud looked around at the leafy palms waving gently in the ocean breeze and sighed contentedly. |
Week - 435
One Day in the Glade by mamasimios |
Description: "How I wish I could take a day off and enjoy the sunshine..." |
Week - 437
Defaced! by mamasimios |
Description: She walked into my 10 by 10 square box of an office as though she owned the joint, betraying a lot of pride beneath the shabby green cape she was attempting to conceal herself in. |
Week - 437
A Mutant Easter by mamasimios |
Description: I understand it can be daunting to select gifts for mutant friends, so with Easter approaching, I thought I would share a list of appropriate items. |
Week - 439
Grey Daze by mamasimios |
Description: I woke up in a fog, in a daze of grey motes swimming across my eyes. |
Week - 451
Thick and Thin and Yooyuball by mamasimios |
Description: "This uncle," Thick asked as he paced around the dusty floor. "You say we visited him often?" With a testing sniff of his sensitive nostrils, he added, "This place doesn't ring any bells at all." |
Week - 463
A Single Grain of Sand by mamasimios |
Description: "The entire Lost Desert is made up of grains of sand as tiny as each of these, no one piece more important than the other, yet put together they are an immense and imposing force." |
Week - 467
I am Esud by mamasimios |
Description: They say that Halloween is when the forests teem with the dead, with the undead, with those like me. |
Week - 470
A Play About Nobody and Nothing by mamasimios |
Description: If Somebody comes by, they could always take a nap upstairs, I guess, while Nobody is sleeping in that chair. |
Week - 475
Celebrating the Day of Giving With Nobody by mamasimios |
Description: The Draik beamed and licked the melting crystal off of her nose with one swipe of her long purple tongue and thought, That's it. The Day of Giving is tomorrow and I should host a party. |
Week - 500
How to Dress for Issue 500 by mamasimios |
Description: Whatever can one wear to acknowledge the 500th issue of the Neopian Times? |
Week - 505
Kroadrae of Terror Mountain by mamasimios |
Description: Winter is a harsh season on Terror Mountain... |
Week - 509
Cavillace's Guide to Customising a Mutant Neopet by mamasimios |
Description: I have decided to submit my own article for those who share my mutant form. Here is your option for how to customise a mutant Neopet... |