Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 185,826,977 Issue: 501 | 1st day of Swimming, Y13
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword id_24

Week - 396

The Perils of Being a Labrat
by id_24
Description: Oh no... what will that crazy Scorchio do next?

Week - 400

The Trouble With Ideas
by id_24
Description: *snores*

Week - 438

The Perils of Being a Labrat: Species Changes
by id_24
Description: Why so glum?

Idea by lobstrosities

Week - 461

The Perils of Being a Labrat: Lab Stats
by lucylu317
Description: -Whooooa-

Idea by id_24

Week - 501

Cup Nonsense: Ball Compatibilities
by id_24
Description: In recent news...

Idea by draconis

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Hide 'n' Seek Horror

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The Air Faerie's Quest
I was one of THOSE pets. Yes, one of those who looked out at the world from inside a cage.

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DoTS #8: Fan Mail
The perfect angle...

by soragin


Three Important Lessons I've Learned from a JubJub
I am here to teach you these lessons, so that they may better enrich your life and further your love for JubJubs.

by coco_bella

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