A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 185,748,728 Issue: 500 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y13
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword yami_no_prodigy

Week - 454

A Measure of Trust: Part One
by yami_no_prodigy
Description: The Woods were full of different and often strange scents---some of them more offensive to the nose than others---but Maijitesa could identify most of them. This one, however...

Week - 455

A Measure of Trust: Part Two
by yami_no_prodigy
Description: He reached the shack and climbed the rotted steps to the front door. He flicked one ear back at Meseni. "Are you sure you want to be here?" he asked quietly.

Week - 456

A Measure of Trust: Part Three
by yami_no_prodigy
Description: Suddenly, he noticed that the forest surrounding them had gone silent...

Week - 499

Out of the Shadows: Part One
by yami_no_prodigy
Description: "Maijitesa! Maijitesa, run!" he screeched as he passed. "It's after me!"

Week - 500

Out of the Shadows: Part Two
by yami_no_prodigy
Description: Ticherai wasn't in residence, but Maijitesa saw no cause for alarm. There were other places to look...

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