A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 175,033,999 Issue: 413 | 9th day of Collecting, Y11
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword jbergz8495

Week - 389

The Water Faerie Necklace: Part One
by jbergz8495
Description: One particular day, she was rummaging through the store instead of going to school. It was a Wednesday.

Week - 390

The Water Faerie Necklace: Part Two
by jbergz8495
Description: "I know I'm dreaming," Julie whispered. She had no doubt about that, but why didn't she wake up?

Week - 391

The Water Faerie Necklace: Part Three
by jbergz8495
Description: "You cannot take it off?" the Tombola man echoed. He started to sweat a bit. "My my, that is strange."

Week - 392

The Water Faerie Necklace: Part Four
by jbergz8495
Description: Julie sat on the ground. It was too much to take in. "I wish I could remember what the scroll said," she whispered.

Week - 393

The Water Faerie Necklace: Part Five
by jbergz8495
Description: "I'm sure you will think of something," said Fyora.

Week - 394

The Water Faerie Necklace: Part Six
by jbergz8495
Description: "Apparently the scroll wants you to think outside of the box when you complete each quest."

Week - 395

The Water Faerie Necklace: Part Seven
by jbergz8495
Description: Clenching her fists, Nereid said, "But I hid it away from the world! Nobody was supposed to find it!"

Week - 411

There is No Cost to Friendship: Part One
by jbergz8495
Description: As Brooke and Ryan reached the steps to get to their school, they could already see masses of people waiting for the doors to open...

Week - 412

There is No Cost to Friendship: Part Two
by jbergz8495
Description: Only fifty-four more minutes until the end of the period. "May I sit here?" Brooke quickly looked up and saw a red Ogrin...

Week - 413

There is No Cost to Friendship: Part Three
by jbergz8495
Description: She was the perfect image of a Xweetok. Why wouldn't Corrine want to sit with her at lunch? Why wouldn't Sam invite her over to her house?

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