Week - 166
How to be a Respected & Productive Guild Member by tashni |
Description: Joining a guild is one of the easiest things to do in Neopia.
Being a productive, respected member is something else entirely. |
Week - 211
Tash's Role Playing 101 by tashni |
Description: When done properly,
Role Playing can be an exciting and creative game that can let you be anyone
and do anything! There is a Neopets board for Role Playing, and if you go there
and look at some of the topics, you will find the possibilities to be endless. |
Week - 214
SOS: MSPP! by tashni |
Description: The Poogle didn't say much. He sat at the table,
eating and listening with a queer smile on his face... |
Week - 216
Komik Releef: Happy Exercising by tashni |
Description: *pant* *gasp* |
Week - 218
Orbulon Has Landed by tashni |
Description: Orbulon fell for a long time, and so he had
the opportunity to do a little gazing at the big blue planet, which was getting
bigger and bigger as time went on... |
Week - 232
A Piece of Maraqua in Your Dry Neohome by tashni |
Description: There's more to Maraquan Petpets than just food and water, ya know!
So sit down, grab one o' those java things and listen up; I'll try to explain
things to you. |
Week - 236
Orbulon and the Queen of Mystery Island by tashni |
Description: After several unfortunate events in Maraqua,
Orbulon crawled onto the Mystery Island beach. Ecstatic to be on dry land... |
Week - 237
Komik Releef: Juicy Mix-up by tashni |
Description: Look what you did! |
Week - 238
Slorg Randomness by tashni |
Description: Improvise!
Also by brymax406 |
Week - 241
Awesome Aquatic Petpets, Dude by tashni |
Description: I'm that way awesome Kougra owner
of the Rock Pool on the Island, and I want to tell you about the aquatic Petpets
I love! |
Week - 248
Little Orby by tashni |
Description: Uh oh. |
Week - 250
Little Orby by tashni |
Description: Steal my plot, will you? |
Week - 253
Little Orby by tashni |
Description: Above Altador... |
Week - 256
Little Orby by tashni |
Description: In the hills of Altador... |
Week - 260
Lesser Faerie by tashni |
Description: 'It wasn't me,' thought the air faerie.
She stopped and hovered inside a bush, giving her heart time to stop pounding.
'It wasn't me...' |
Week - 261
Little Orby by tashni |
Description: You have a new quest! |
Week - 269
Orbulon and the Founder of Symol Hole: Part One by tashni |
Description: Upon hitting the ground, Orbulon and the Korbat
rolled into the wall. The Korbat stood up and gawked at his severed chain. Then
his crazed smile became even more deranged... |
Week - 270
Orbulon and the Founder of Symol Hole: Part Two by tashni |
Description: The Founder led Orbulon down yet another dismal,
torch-lit passage that got warmer the farther they went. This reminded Orbulon
of an unpleasant experience he had on Mystery Island, so he hoped the Founder
knew what he was doing... |
Week - 271
Orbulon and the Founder of Symol Hole: Part Three by tashni |
Description: The little creature stared up at her
with vacant eyes. It looked simple-minded; maybe it would do her bidding. She
heard its stomach growl. A wicked grin spread across Jhudora's green lips... |
Week - 273
Food Science by kamikatze24 |
Description: I can't wait!
Idea by tashni |
Week - 274
Dr. Zaf's Advice Column by squire_genevieve |
Description: He's all dirty...
Also by tashni |
Week - 278
Little Orby by tashni |
Description: Some messy person has spilled 150 Neopoints... |
Week - 281
The Shoyru from Outer Space by tashni |
Description: "Oh, this?" he said as if he hadn't noticed it until now. "It's my spaceship..." |
Week - 287
Outsider Within: Web of Deceit - Part One by tashni |
Description: D.A. briefly narrowed her cool blue eyes at Vosh for giving the Scorchio fuel to his fire. Still addressing Vosh, she said, "These are the Chambers of Darigan; we are responsible for the safety of all living on the Citadel..." |
Week - 288
Outsider Within: Web of Deceit - Part Two by tashni |
Description: Her lips were moving, but with her hood down he could not see her eyes. What could she be saying to make the Blumaroo freeze like that? He strolled over to the mop and started wiping the floor near the reporter's table and strained his ears... |
Week - 289
Outsider Within: Web of Deceit - Part Three by tashni |
Description: What had he overheard in his tavern last night? He liked D.A.; she was a classy lady. But what she had said last night to that reporter... |
Week - 290
Outsider Within: Web of Deceit - Part Four by tashni |
Description: "Mister Barlow, it is my job to ensure the safety of all of the Citadel's inhabitants. Any concerns you may have must be addressed..." |
Week - 291
Outsider Within: Web of Deceit - Part Five by tashni |
Description: "D.A.," said someone. Henka saw it was Hadrak. "I did not know I had your allegiance until the incident in the tavern. I am most pleased..." |
Week - 294
Little Orby by tashni |
Description: Fyora Day Special! |
Week - 300
Revenge of the Golden JubJub by tashni |
Description: "Well, down here on Neopia, we have a little thing called the Neopian Times which just so happens to be the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE..." |
Week - 305
Little Orby by tashni |
Description: *screech* |
Week - 309
Outsider Within: Cap'n Barlow by tashni |
Description: "Pirates are the great sea dogs, masters of the briny deep, rebels, fighters for freedom—definitely not tea drinkers..." |
Week - 312
How This Old Geezer Sees Customization by tashni |
Description: Although such changes were never so sudden, they certainly have been as drastic... |
Week - 324
The Family Doctor by tashni |
Description: He shooed her away, but the newly-painted Royal Shoyru persisted. It made Tashni sick to think he'd be breaking Nokura's heart tonight... |
Week - 332
The Deep Silence by tashni |
Description: Aekin hadn't made it to her other three surfing runs that morning, but she was sure he would be waiting at the finish line this time... |
Week - 329
Sloth to Claim his Vengeance? by tashni |
Description: Dozens of stories, articles, and comics have since depicted the often humiliating failure of the doctor... |
Week - 333
Neopia Divided: Can It Survive War With Sloth? by tashni |
Description: How are Neopians split on such a vital issue? Sloth's actions and history themselves are a source of great debate. |
Week - 342
Andune, King of Time by tashni |
Description: The Kyrii felt herself becoming dizzy and grabbed onto a bookshelf to hold herself up. "It's gone. My book of the King of Time is gone..." |
Week - 343
The Pound Updated—Shaking our Society's Foundations by tashni |
Description: The pound has been reborn as an entirely different system. Its changes are far-reaching... |
Week - 359
The Draikess and The Red Coat by tashni |
Description: A smirk rested on her lips, and her right hand cradled a scimitar. "Do you suppose it is magic enough to save you from the bounty on your head?" |
Week - 379
Outsider Within: Face of Evil - Part One by tashni |
Description: "As they were fleeing, I saw her with them. D.A. was with the Smugglers' Guild." |
Week - 380
Outsider Within: Face of Evil - Part Two by tashni |
Description: He half smiled. "I still haven't seen you fight with that skinny sword of yours. It's just for show, isn't it?" |
Week - 381
Outsider Within: Face of Evil - Part Three by tashni |
Description: "Your work looks skillful," said a woman's voice. He looked up from his work to see the strange Zafara woman who had saved his life. He smiled and set his hammer down. |
Week - 382
Outsider Within: Face of Evil - Part Four by tashni |
Description: "I am a blank page. This is my beginning." |
Week - 383
Outsider Within: Face of Evil - Part Five by tashni |
Description: As the sun dipped below the Citadel into the hills of Meridell, Citadel guards finished their last shift of the day and dispersed from the barracks for their favored nighttime haunts. |
Week - 384
Outsider Within: Face of Evil - Part Six by tashni |
Description: D.A. leapt up and whipped her sword around to face Anna. |