teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 177,714,884 Issue: 360 | 19th day of Gathering, Y10
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword calman49

Week - 311

Freaky Factory
by calman49
Description: "I want you all out! I haven't employed you, and you have no right to intrude my factory! What are you waiting for? Get OUT!"

Week - 319

The Food Shop Owner's Goal
by calman49
Description: The Aisha was different. She was so shy, and she only spoke in whispers...

Week - 321

Thank You, Ben
by calman49
Description: May slumped onto the dirty ground of the school's hallway angrily. This was the fifth time she had gotten sent into the hallway this week...

Week - 360

Apologies and Forgiveness
by calman49
Description: Jhudora sipped her tea and looked out of her window. It was storming outside, and dark, purple clouds filled the sky. Swirling, black mists tore up houses and knocked helpless Neopians and Faeries off of Faerieland.

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Kainian Wants to Be Electric
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Bottom meepit picks his nose a lot. That's why his nostril is abnormally huge.

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Bless you, Shoyru!

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