Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 175,667,400 Issue: 357 | 29th day of Hiding, Y10
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword rotty_paws

Week - 333

Never Mock A Meepit
by rotty_paws
Description: Celia, laughed, poked the Meepit in the head, and strolled away, her words carried on the wind. "Meepits are so stupid..."

Week - 338

The Not-So-Fake Friendship
by rotty_paws
Description: Today is the day I take revenge on someone I never met, and never wanted to take revenge on...

Week - 339

Chronicles of the FMI: Agent Flep
by rotty_paws
Description: The Meepit population is steadily growing, and innocent Neopians are vanishing swiftly after their purchase of a Meepit. Coincidence? No.

Week - 347

Smash: The Way of My Life
by rotty_paws
Description: Smash was everything a guy wanted to be, for if you were the king of Smash, you were the king of the school...

Week - 356

Finding Dirk: Part One
by rotty_paws
Description: You know, most pets, petpets, and humans celebrate their birthday one day a year. I, quite frankly, do not; I get to celebrate twice.

Week - 357

Finding Dirk: Part Two
by rotty_paws
Description: Shock. That's what I'm feeling right now. I'm being attacked by evil, mindless robots who have apparently posed as my "family" my entire life...

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