Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 176,435,075 Issue: 336 | 28th day of Running, Y10
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword kotaeia

Week - 320

Korin's Trial
by kotaeia
Description: The Faerie Xweetok was reading the Neopian Times and had just come across yet another story about the popular, painted pet bullying the unpainted pet...

Week - 336

Omelette Demander
by kotaeia
Description: "NO! You cannot take more than one slice per day!"

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Bored in Neoschool? Have Some Fun!
How do we pass those long hours between the morning's fascinating history lecture on the Soup Faerie's long ago quest for the perfect leek broth and the afternoon's intriguing look at the way in which Chef Bonju + Avatars divided by failure = Frustration?

Also by chivo

by anjie


The Road to Pyramid Parade: Part One
She was excited. This was the day they would finally move to the Lost Desert. She had dreamed of it all her life, and now it was finally happening...

by kirsche474


Koteex's Life - Traitor
Reading comics can have consequences. :D

by cevierakasky


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Missing Miamouse - Part Six
"A neomail for you, sir," said the faerie Kacheek behind the front desk. It was already slit open. I peered at him suspiciously as he handed me the envelope...

by playmobil_is_my_life


Uncommon Situations
It is not easy to be a newbie.

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by palis_5

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