Description: "This tale begins... on a night like this...
in these very woods..." At that moment, the wind picked up slightly. "Old Mr.
Tunnatin, a grey Lupe, was hobbling about his yard, searching for his petpet
that had died five years earlier. "
The Ghost of Meridell: Prelude to War - Part Five "She wants real loyalty. Eventually the spell will wear off, but if she can keep the spell on everyone long enough the people will have forgotten that Skarl ever existed..."
A Terror (Mountain) Christmas "Come on, Arpheo, the tree looks fine the way it is," Orpheus said. He wrapped a warm scarf around his neck. "Char, Isca, and I are going up to the Advent Calendar. You're coming, right?"
The Christmas Concert Conundrum: Part Two Some odd sounds that didn't mesh with the rest of the music started to come from Daryl's piano. Though still concentrated on playing his part, Ricky cringed when he heard these terrible chords...