Week - 158
Of Lights from Within: Part Five by blubblub317 |
Description: Maddi wanted to stay like that forever… eternally
surrounded by her protective wing. With Nagria guarding him like that, he felt
as though nothing could harm him, and like everything would be all right. |
Week - 159
Of Lights from Within: Part Six by chocolateisamust |
Description: "Don't you have any memories of what happened
before Nora adopted you?" |
Week - 160
Of Lights from Within: Part Seven by blubblub317 |
Description: "Come on, Maddi!" Kylan exclaimed, cutting the
Kougra's chain of thoughts. "We don't have time to look at mirrors." |
Week - 161
Of Lights from Within: Part Eight by chocolateisamust |
Description: The Kougra longed for the comforting
hug that only Nora could provide - the kind of hug only between a pet and owner.
Would he ever feel a hug like that again? |
Week - 162
Of Lights from Within: Part Nine by blubblub317 |
Description: "Must… get … to… the… castle…" he
whispered to himself, his paws pounding furiously on the dead leaves that were
scattered all around the ground. |
Week - 163
Of Lights from Within: Part Ten by chocolateisamust |
Description: "You got the box, but where do think you're going,
you little runt?!" a voice suddenly roared. |
Week - 159
Trouble and Trub by chocolateisamust |
Description: So...hungry...need food. |
Week - 163
I Shouldn't Have... by chocolateisamust |
Description: They
believed me. Never doubted me. Why should they, such an innocent looking faerie
Zafara with pastel purple fur and butterfly wings? I don't know. I never will. |
Week - 170
Christmas Never Came by chocolateisamust |
Description: It was so… peaceful then… so peaceful today,
on Christmas day. So happy. Everybody was nice to each other, it seemed. Everybody
was nice to everybody else, almost at least. Everybody was nice to everybody
else… except for the street pets. |
Week - 179
The Other Side of The Story by chocolateisamust |
Description: I scanned the rows of empty Kadoatie cages, making sure each was perfect for
when the first Kadoaties arrived. |
Week - 176
Neopian Food Reviews by chocolateisamust |
Description: I highly
doubt you’ve tasted all of these foods, both because of lack of Neopoints and
fear of bad taste. So, to be branded honorable Neopians, my friend Ery and I decided
to take on the duty of tasting different types of Neopian foods to report back
to you if they’re worth buying! |
Week - 186
Memoirs of a Pirate Crew by chocolateisamust |
Description: They were used to the aggression of the waves; the jumping water did not bother
the crowd, and they ignored it, as they chatted rather than slept. |
Week - 189
A Paw To Hold On To by chocolateisamust |
Description: I froze and turned my head towards the clutching party gingerly. Standing
there, leaning over the bushy, wispy fur of my tail, was a small yellow Kacheek. Also by hottamale0774 |
Week - 202
The Moigic Toights by chocolateisamust |
Description: After all, it was just water and who in
Neopia would buy a pail of water?
Also by extreme_fj0rd |
Week - 204
Never Trust A Chicken Man: Part One by chocolateisamust |
Description: "Oh, that's easy too! Just state
your name, cause, and how many minions you wish to acquire. From there, it's smooth sailing."
Also by extreme_fj0rd |
Week - 205
Never Trust A Chicken Man: Part Two by chocolateisamust |
Description: The Lupe nodded. "Well, can't we take a shortcut?"
she asked, peering into a side alley. "Look, that alley is... diagonal..."
Also by extreme_fj0rd |
Week - 206
Never Trust A Chicken Man: Part Three by chocolateisamust |
Description: "How'm I supposed to help take over Neopia if
penny-pinching shopkeepers like you take away all my Neopoints?" Bo demanded...
Also by extreme_fj0rd |
Week - 207
Never Trust A Chicken Man: Part Four by chocolateisamust |
Description: "Bo, the reason we aren't there yet is that we are not going
to get there! Remember? You pressed the big red button, and now we're soaring
randomly through the universe!"
Also by extreme_fj0rd |
Week - 208
Never Trust A Chicken Man: Part Five by chocolateisamust |
Description: "This is so dumb! I just want to find my ray gun, find your stupid
Lupe and that Yurble, and then get out of it here. Honestly. This plot is getting
old, and it's really not fun when you're the character stuck in it."
Also by extreme_fj0rd |
Week - 208
The Pool Party by chocolateisamust |
Description: "Urgh, it's so hot," moaned Janie suddenly
as she took a sip of her lukewarm lemonade, then placed it back on her stomach... |
Week - 214
Empty Candy by chocolateisamust |
Description: Three stories tall, it had a ghostly white exterior and a tiled, dusty gray roof. The windows were all cracked, and the great wooden door was splintered; the yard was overrun with weeds...
Also by extreme_fj0rd |
Week - 221
The Inn: Part One by chocolateisamust |
Description: It was a Christmas Eve most would prefer to not
remember later on. It was cold and damp outside, and a blizzard was stirring up...
Also by dan4884 |
Week - 222
The Inn: Part Two by chocolateisamust |
Description: "Who is he?" I asked in a squeaking tone...
Also by dan4884 |
Week - 308
I, Sloth, King of Meridell...: Part One by chocolateisamust |
Description: In my glory days – Sloth's glory days – I would not have even considered answering such a daft question. But now, such inquiries were routine...
Also by sytra |